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Spray Is Questing
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.: Demonic Anklets :.
Help Spray archive his ultimate goal of gaping doom?
Thanks Made 27 heart


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Hello thar! :B

At first I wanna thank all the greatest and whatnot awesome people who have donated to me. Soooo:
-Made 27: 25k ._. Thanks! heart

Sooooo..... Anyway:
I am 15 16, male, I love italian food.
I . heart . to draw, so if you want some art, either find me in an art freebie thread, or PM me once, one per day :3. Yay! Free art for you >w<. Yet still I prefer sketching. Every (kay, most of them...) artist knows, that their best friend is a pencil. So pick up yours and start sketching. NOW! I told you to. It's fun, see?
I love to be different, that's why I am using a pen tablet >D. Ish ebil. Me knows ^^
Well... I am Polish... And I am horribly proud of it. Well then everyone is proud of their country. D: But I am prouder.

Yes! I am a goddamn cook. I mean... That's not my actual occupation as though I am too young to have a serious job, yet still I love too cook. Because it is so satisfying to eat a meal that you have prepared yourself. That's why I do not eat at fast foods often... I do not at all. Ok, maybe sometimes. But really rarely.

Actually there is nothing more that you want/should know about me. If you really need to know something more, PM me.

Spray Is happy when:
-you do not ask me stupid questions (unless you wanna be hit).
-you are not begging (unless you are one of my friends) :3
-he eats sushi ><
-noobs are not getting me angry (believe me, you don't want to know how it is to get me angry)
-he draws.
-he is being drew (Yeah, really actually my avatar).

Spray Likes:
-his real reindeer slippers.
-Italian food
-his friends
-black and white
- ._. - it's just epic!

Spray Is in a deadly mood when:
-you are annoying him.
-someone else is annoying him too.
-the first thing after your "hi" is "Can you donate?" Or even without the capitals and "hi" :/
-someone is unable to admit, that he or she can't spell.
-the tablet is broken =3=
-when scammers are trying to get your, or his password...

Spray Dislikes:
-annoying people
-bad spelling and net speech ( Nah. I am not the best at spelling too so yeah ._.)
-when something is too colourful... ._.
-noobs calling other noobs noobs.
-cold winter days and hot summer nights.