
I'm Sushi Face
but that's not my original nickname,
no its not,
Tara named me Martian.
I think I licked a funny stamp.
I'm from the country, so I no how to ride a horse.
I like the colour blue, and the shade black.
I have ear muffs to protect me from the loud noises of the world.
And specialy equiped goggles with maps and directions and everything i need to no about anything right there all the time.
Also, I'm a firm beliver of the fact that no vacine is gunna stop you from getting swine flu, the only thing that will is wearing a mask, so I never leave my wardrobe with out one.
I live in Winnipeg, its boring but then again so is ever where else.
I like fidget, alot, it makes me wanna dance.
I've read Iced and No speed limit
and I can guaranty I will never do drugs ever again.
I think I have long legs, and if I didn't,
I think I'd be short.
I believe that everyone was put on this earth for a reason,
and that we all have a purpose.
I like reading books and painting, large and small scale
acrylic, spray paint, markers, pencil sketches, charcoal sketches
I like doing them all.


Viewing 6 of 6 friends


Viewing 3 of 3 comments.

miss monstur

Report | 10/12/2009 3:50 pm

miss monstur

Lessons For Snails

Report | 10/12/2009 12:26 pm

Lessons For Snails

good cuz that means you like em
miss monstur

Report | 10/12/2009 12:14 pm

miss monstur


Comment cherry lol?


You're sitting right next to me.


I'm going to stop now.


User Image
I'm Susan Sushi-Face
and you only wish you were as cool as me.