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iSukk ~ more like iRokk XD

iSukk's avatar

Last Login: 01/19/2023 3:40 pm


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Moonwalk~Michael Jackson






.......♥SeXy♥ ......

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iSukkk Report | 08/28/2010 3:16 pm
Cool Avi
SecretlyConformist Report | 08/19/2010 2:04 pm
cool avi
Jattsas Report | 08/09/2010 1:10 pm
sup how u been
lil_green_gummi_bearz101 Report | 07/23/2010 4:13 pm
HELLO blaugh
iVahel5 Report | 06/06/2010 2:47 am
Hey~! Whats up?
iVahel5 Report | 05/21/2010 10:46 am
Welcome Back!
SecretlyConformist Report | 05/15/2010 7:35 pm

your avi is indeed beautiful.

love ya' friand/

Hey Soul Sister is on the radio... i need to memorize that song. though the voice is pretty annoying/
xXChaotic_BubblesxX Report | 03/16/2010 7:45 pm
well, if you decide to get off for good, could i have your items?
iSukk Report | 03/16/2010 3:40 pm
Hey, not cool! I donated 20k to you. ADD MY NAME. > biggrin
xXChaotic_BubblesxX Report | 03/09/2010 1:56 pm
i havent talked to you in like forever!

Meh wonderful stalkerz :3

xKage Karasu
iPanda muffin
Daily Amount
Duck Rapist
Uber Dawson1
sasori 3542
[Gaia] Edward Cullen

meh real life friends!

A girl and a guy were speeding over 100mph on a motorcycle Girl: Slow down I'm scared Guy: No this is fun Girl: No it's not please its too scary Guy: Then tell me you love me Girl: I love you slow down Guy: Now give me a big hug She gave him a big hug Guy: Can you take off my helmet & put it on yourself, it's bothering me. In the newspaper the next day a motorcycle had crashed into a building because of brake failure. Two people were on it, only one survived. The truth was that halfway down the road the guy realized that the brakes were broken, he didn't want the girl to know. Instead he had her hug him and say that she loves him one last time. Then he had her put his helmet on so that she would live even if it meant that he would die. If you would do the same for the person you love copy this in your profile.

This is true love. Boy- I missed you at school today, why weren't you there? Girl- Yeah, I had to go to the doctor. Boy- Oh really? Why? Girl- Oh nothing, annual shots, that's all. Boy- Oh Girl- So what did we do in math today? Boy- You didnt miss anything that great.......just lots of notes Girl- Ok good Boy- Yeah Girl- Hey I have a question...... Boy- Ok, ask away Girl-........How much do you love me? Boy- You kno I love you more than anything Girl- Yeah..... Boy- Why did you ask? Girl-................>silence<.......... Boy- Is something wrong? Girl- No nothing at all Boy- Good. Girl- ..............How much do you care about me? Boy- I would give you the world in a heartbeat if I could. Girl- U would? Boy- Yeah.........of course I would >sounding worried< is there somethingwrong?? Girl- No, everything's fine...... Boy- Are you sure? Girl- Yeah. Boy- Ok.......I hope so. Girl- ..............Would you die for me? Boy- I would take a bullet for you anyday, hun. Girl- Really? Boy- Yes, now seriously, is there something wrong??? Girl- No I'm fine, you're fine, we're fine, everyone's fine. Boy- ............ok Girl-......................Well I have to go I'll see you tomorrow at school. Boy- Alright, bye. I LOVE YOU. Girl- Yeah, I love you too, bye. THE NEXT DAY AT SCHOOL: Boy- Hey, have u seen my girlfriend today? Friend- No Boy- Oh. Friend- She wasn't here yesterday either. Boy- I know, she was acting all wierd on the phone last night. Friend- Well dude you know how girls are sometimes. Boy- Yeah........but not her. Friend- I don't know what else to say, man. Boy- Ok well I gotta get to english, I'll see ya after school. Friend- Yeah i gotta get to science, talk to you later. THAT NIGHT: -ring- -ring- -ring- -ring- Girl- Hello? Boy- Hey Girl- Oh, hi. Boy- Why weren't you at school today? Girl- Uh.......I had another doctor appointment. Boy- Are you sick? Girl- ..................Um I have to go, my mom's callin on my other line. Boy- I'll wait. Girl- It may take a while, I'll call you later. Boy-........Alright, I love you hun. very long pause< Girl- (with tear in her eye) Look, I think we should break up. Boy- What??? Girl- It's the best thing for us right now. Boy- Why???? Girl- I love you. click< THE GIRL DOESNT COME TO SCHOOL FOR 3 MORE WEEKS, AND DOESNT ANSWER HER PHONE Boy- Hey dude Friend- Hey Boy- What's up? Friend- Nothing, hey have you talked to your ex lately? Boy- No Friend- So you didnt hear? Boy- Hear what? Friend- Um I don't know if I shouldnt be the one to tell you...... Boy- Dude, what the hell, tell me Friend- Uh....call this number....433-555-3468 Boy- ok............ BOY CALLS NUMBER AFTER SCHOOL -ring- -ring- -ring- Voice- Hello, suppam county hospital, this is nurse beckam Boy- Uh.......I must have the wrong number, im looking for my friend. Voice- What is her name, sir? (boy gives info) Voice- Yes, this is the right number, she is one of our patients here Boy- Really? Why? What happened??? How is she??? Voice- Her room number is ..646, in building A, suite 3. Boy- WHAT HAPPENED??!!!! Voice- Please come by sir and you can see her, goodbye. Boy- WAIT! NO! *dial tone* BOY GOES TO HOSPITAL, AND TO ROOM ..646, BUILDING A, SUITE 3. GIRL IS LYING IN THE HOSPITAL BED Boy- Oh my God, are you ok?? Girl- .................. Boy- Sweetie!! talk to me!! Girl- I.......... Boy- You what?!? YOU WHAT?!?!? Girl- I have cancer and I'm on life support Boy- .....................>breaks into tears<...................... Girl- They're taking me off tonight Boy- Why?!? Girl- I wanted to tell you but I couldn't Boy- Why didn't you tell me???? Girl- I didn't want to hurt you. Boy- You could never hurt me Girl- I just wanted to see if you felt bout me as the same I felt about you. Boy- ? Girl- I love u more than anything, i would give u the world in a heartbeat. i would die for you and take a bullet for you. Boy- ........... Girl- Don't be sad, I love you and I'll always be here. Boy- Then y'd u break up w/me? Nurse- Young man, visiting hours are over. BOY LEAVES, GIRL IS TAKEN OFF LIFE SUPPORT, AND DIES But what the boy didn't know is that the girl only asked him those questions so she could hear him say it one last time, and she only broke up with him because she knew she only had 3 more weeks to live, and thought it would cause him less pain and give him time to get over her before she died. NEXT DAY The boy is found dead with a gun in his hand..with a note in the other... THE NOTE SAID: I told her i would take a bullet for her....just like she said she would die for me...

white man said, "Colored people are not allowed here." The black man turned around and stood up. He then said: "Listen sir....when I was born I was BLACK " "When I grew up I was BLACK, " "When I'm sick I'm BLACK, " "When I go in the sun I'm BLACK, " "When I'm cold I'm BLACK, " "When I die I'll be BLACK." "But you sir." "When you are born you're PINK". "When you grow up you're WHITE, " "When you're sick, you're GREEN, " "When you go in the sun you turn RED, " "When you're cold you turn BLUE, " "And when you die you turn PURPLE. "And you have the nerve to call me colored?" The black man then sat back down and the white man walked away.. Put this on your page if you HATE racism

I feel unloved... v_v