What you might wat to know!


my name is Isuzu Akimori.

Welcome to my profile! :3

Here is alittle bit about me:

Age: Feeling like a shota at 17

Favorite Color: Purple, black, and sometimes white i guess...i don't like how dirty it gets. Aha~

Loves: Cookies, Snow, Music, Any form of sugar(POCKY!),
Anime, Kitties, Miyavi, The Asian Culture (SO amazing~)

Occupation: I don't know............. cookies???

Residence: A FedEx box on the corner of the street (Extremely cozy~)

Other: Did I mention cookies...???

I am a Raver!

I'm Shy, but im not...

I'm half dinosaur. RAWR!!! [ fEaH MeH ]

Im a nerd who loves anime and the conventions.

I have short term memory lost, along with being absent minded..(just keep swimming...just keep swwiimming~)

I'm claustrophobic. [don't crowd me o-o]

My imagination doesn't have a leash, beware.

I used to be afraid of the Twinkie Cowboy. [-shudders-....]

My imaginary Friends name is Bob, My bestie gave me him as a B-day

present, he lives under my fridge and ALWAYS EATS MY SPOONS! WTH I KEEP RUNNING OUT!!!

He says HeLLo ......... .........

I am hyper! [almost all the time. Fufufufu~!]


..Bai Bii~!!!!!!
