
Hey Strangers! biggrin
Ok, I'm really bored right now, so I'm just gonna write a lot of facts about myself xd ( Oh, and please excuse my bad english; I'm danish lol )

Well, maybe I should start with my hobbies? Ok...
I really like to read books, and right now I'm reading a lot of mangas online. If not mangas, I love to read fantasy and Sci-Fi. I've read a couple of diaries... not my cup of tea. Once I thought that the Twilight Series were the best books I'd ever read... WRONG! Now I'm just totally sick and tired of Twilight talk2hand
It's become this famous book... ugh. And it's a cheesy plot. Well so what, I don't wanna talk about it xD The best series I've ever read is probably House of Night-series. And the best BOOK I've ever read is The Princess Bride. It's such a cute story... fairy-tale actually. xD You should try reading it.

But, as you might already know, I am on the computer every day.. almost all day. I'm surfing online, watching a lot of series... anime and How I Met Your Mother right now. And I game a lot of Sims3, and sometimes even WoW ( World of Warcraft )

But, aside from reading and surfing on the computer, I really like to draw. I'm not good at it yet, but I'm really trying xD
And I mean drawing manga and anime. I think it's a very cool style of drawing.
And If you like manga/anime too, then you could check some of Mark Crilley's vids out, on YouTube. They are REALLY awesome ! ^^

Well, that's all for now... I have to do my homework! xD
I'll see y'all later, dudes! xD
