
Then read my profile

I've got a funny sense of humor.
If you don't get it by now, there's no use talking to me :]

Greetings Earthlings!
I'm Ivy, nice to meet you, I come from the land of Confuzzelums, take me to your leader(s). Haha, kidding I'm actually from Southern Ontario, currently aged 19. I am a female for those wondering, 100% body wise mind you (my DDs are proof enough for that!), but my personality.. well thats, at the very least, 90% male.

Oh, and before I forget: Suck my pink sparkly strap on bitches.

I have a bit of a potty mouth, which really shows its colours when I'm drunk. So... every other night really. What can I say, I'm a regular angel. Well, I have to be, considering I was kicked out of hell for being 'too much for them to handle"

I am an Atheist.

My goal in life is to travel and be remembered by those who I meet for making a difference in their lives. It'll most likely be because I ruined their life some how but who cares about the little things when the masses are screaming your name?

I hate our totalitarian government, I'd rather go for a dictatorship. Oh what you think Canada is actually democratic? Don't make me laugh.

My life revolves around the written word and politics, so don't get into a fight with me if you know what good for you.
I have a sharp tongue and a quick wit, make a mistake and I'll bury you under so many facts and words you don't understand your head will be spinning from here until your grave.

Research should be my middle name.

I'm also grammar Nazi. If you ******** up, I'm on you like a fat kid on chocolate.

Coffee is heaven on earth, and so is anything minty

I'm pro choice

Pro sex selection

Pro death sentence

I'm just one huge walking and talking controversy, lets just put it that way.

User Image

THANK YOU DANI!!!!! (Rape on Impulse)
Donated - 30,000! <3
Donated (again)-25,000 <3
Donated (for the 3rd time)-8,500<3
DONATED!- 100,000!!!! heart
Donated -_- Again.... - 20,000
DONATED! -wingding, black travelers top, And Heartstring!!! heart heart
DONATED!!!- Lunar Cloak!!!
Donated- 10,000 -_-.......
Donated - 20,000.... (She'll never learn will she? heart )
Donated- Frostbite Blade -_- (Thank you anyways biggrin )


Viewing 12 of 148 friends


The Ramblings of a Crazy Stranger.... continued

just a bunch of random things put together


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 10/20/2011 3:58 pm


redface heart

Thanks <33

Report | 02/10/2011 4:29 pm


Lmfao, no i am not a computer razz
Jachaunt L Aeons

Report | 02/09/2011 4:18 pm

Jachaunt L Aeons


hate it when ppl tell me wat to do about stuff that make me who I am
Like mah hair
Mum wants me to cut it, and when i rage about it, she refuses to understand that my hair is a part of who I am D<
Jachaunt L Aeons

Report | 02/09/2011 3:18 pm

Jachaunt L Aeons

Hehe, I'm sorry, ionno wat to say to that.

Only personality disorder I have is that to outsiders I'm an angel, but to my family I'm like a devil reincarnate.
I don't know why I do that ...
But I suppose I know the feeling of peace with a good book or writing ... I mean, i have a poem on my profile that people seem to think of as beautiful ... which I find totally ironic
Jachaunt L Aeons

Report | 02/09/2011 3:03 pm

Jachaunt L Aeons

I don't know if that helps in anyway for you though =[
Jachaunt L Aeons

Report | 02/09/2011 3:03 pm

Jachaunt L Aeons

I can relate, my life was in hell once
I spent most of my days alone in my room
When I was with my family I usually excused myself and never let anyone see how depressed I was and isolated myself from the world.
But I managed to get past that with the help of my friends =]
Well ... really my friend's kitten died in her arms and she was going through a massive wave or mourning, but I managed to kick myself really hard to go to her aid.
Because some I cared about was suffering.
Know that when there seems to be no one around you, there is always someone who cares for you.
Jachaunt L Aeons

Report | 02/09/2011 2:53 pm

Jachaunt L Aeons

dw about it
Im used to listening
If you want to vent I'm all ears

Report | 02/08/2011 4:06 pm


Sure, considering i don't now what the hell your talking about biggrin
Jachaunt L Aeons

Report | 02/08/2011 3:34 pm

Jachaunt L Aeons

u alrite ivy?

Report | 02/07/2011 2:20 pm


Okkaaayyyyyyyy?? razz


Get out, Get out of my mind, and come on, and come into my life