

Part 1 -- The Basics
Name :: Natalee
Birthplace :: Fresno
Current location :: At my computer desk??
Eye color :: Bluish-Greenish
Hair color :: Blonde cuz they have more fun XD
Right, lefty or ambidextrous? :: RIGHTY
Zodiac sign? :: Pisces
Height? :: 5"2'

Part 2 -- Describe...
Your heritage/nationality ::WHITE
Your hair :: My back
Your fears :: FUHKIN SPIDERS (george loppez)
What you practically do in a day :: talk
Part 3 -- What is/are...
Words you overuse :: NO WAY TOTALLY
Your first thought when you wake up :: Gawd that was a wierd dream!!
Your greatest accomplishment :: Reading a book
Something you want to do :: go to a renissance fair

Part 4 -- This or that
Pepsi or Coke :: Coke
Britney Spears or Christina Aguilera :: BRITNEY b***h
Chocolate or vanilla :: Chocolate XD (if ya no what i mean)
Adidas or Nike :: Nike
Black or white :: WHITE
Bills or Coins ((Think $$$)) :: Bills
Burgers or hot dogs :: Burgers
Egypt or France :: France
Rock or rap :: Rock

Part 5 -- Do you...
Smoke :: no
Sing well :: maybe...
Sing in the shower :: no what if someone hears mehh
Talk to yourself --a lot-- :: i thot everyone did that... oh gawd im a freak -.-
Believe in yourself :: everyone beleives in mehh
Play an instrument :: noo
Want to go to college? :: chaa
Want to get married? :: yep
Want to have children? :: NEVER
Get along with your parents ::mhhhmm
Get along with your siblings? :: one of em

Part 6 -- In the past month have you..
Gone out of state ::no
Drank alchohal :: nahh -SHUT UP TABETHA-
Smoke :: nope
Eaten an entire box of oreos :: does oreo cakestars count if so then yes
Been on stage :: yep
Gone skinny dipping :: nope
Been dumped :: no
Dyed your hair :: no
Stolen anything :: does an eraser count

Part 7 -- Your friends! =D
Craziest :: Megan
Loudest :: Tiffany
Most shy :: Tabetha
Blondest :: Tabetha
Smartest :: ...
Kindest :: Marco... if he counts
Best personality :: All of them
Most talented :: Megan
Best singer :: ...
Most ghetto :: Alex
Drama Queen ((or King XP)) :: Alex
Funniest :: Megan
Best person for advice :: Adina
Dependable :: All of them
Trustworthy :: All of them
Most likely to end up in jail :: -cough- TABETHA - cough- JKJKJKJK

Part 8 -- The Last...
Last dream :: i met a guy...<3
Last time you cried ::last week ??
Last movie seen :: Pirates of the carrbean
Last movie rented :: Pretty in pink
Last book read :: Sticky Floors (manga)
Last word said :: said
Last time you laugh :: 3 seconds ago
Last phone call :: im on the phone (TABETHA)
Last CD played :: Justin Timberlake
Last song you listened to :: Fighter
Last annoyance :: Friday (FRANKIE)
Last weird encounter :: An hour ago
Last person you hugged :: Tiffany
Last person you yelled at :: My mom
Last time you wished upon a star :: no clue
Spent quality time alone :: ...

Part 9 -- I swear this is the last one! -- Randomness
Do you feel lonely :: no
Do you not like dislike not like me? :: CONFUSED???
Ever been so hungry you felt like you could eat the person next to you? :: maybe -tabetha-
What do you think of George Bush? :: Hes a complicator
How many languages do you speak? :: 2 English and French l
are your fingers tired? Nope