
Well there really isnt much intersting about me,I read and go to school,Rp and am a DM,but besides that nothing....

I really like the DT series by stephen King,and Ill throw in a few quotes from the series...


`The man in black fled across the desert, and the Gunslinger followed' - opening line of Dark Tower I - The Gunslinger

"Go then, there are other worlds than these." Jake,Dark Tower 1

"youre a tower Junkie Roland."Eddie dean,Dark tower 2

'Thankee-sai, long days, kiss my a** and go to heaven.'
~ Eddie, Dark tower 5

Roland was as much a prisoner of his rules and traditions as Eddie had ever been of heroin. (dakr tower 5)

The gunslinger's initial feelings for Eddie had wavered between caution and contempt for what Roland saw as his weakness of character. Respect had come more slowly. It had begun in Balazar's office, when Eddie had faught naked. Very few men Roland had known could have done that. It had grown with his realization of how much Eddie was like Cuthbert. Then, on the mono, Eddie had acted with a kind of desperate creativity that Roland could admire but never equal. Eddie Dean was possessed of Cuthbert Allgood's always puzzling and sometimes annoying sense of ridiculous; he was also possessed Alain John's deep flashes of intuition. Yet in the end, Eddie was like neither of Roland's old friends. He was sometimes weak and self-centered, but possessed of deep reservoirs of courage and courage's good sister, what Eddie himself sometimes called 'heart'.( Dark tower 5)

One pill makes you larger
And one pill makes you small,
And the ones that mother gives you
Don't do anything at all.
Go ask Alice
When she's ten feet tall.
And if you go chasing rabbits
And you know you're going to fall,
Tell 'em a hookah smoking caterpillar
Has given you the call.
Call Alice
When she was just small.
When the men on the chessboard
Get up and tell you where to go
And you've just had some kind of mushroom
And your mind is moving low.
Go ask Alice
I think she'll know.
When logic and proportion
Have fallen sloppy dead,
And the White Knight is talking backwards
And the Red Queen's "off with her head!"
Remember what the dormouse said:
"Feed your head. Feed your head. Feed your head


One thing I will not do is foward Pms to people, unless they are given to me by an Admin or Mod, so just don't bother sending me crap, I won't respond and chances are I will probably ignore you.


Viewing 12 of 19 friends


drow_and_the_underdark's Journal

And then I said,Till we die

Where I post my thoughts



Viewing 10 of 17 comments.

L a T e X   H e R p E s

Report | 03/22/2008 12:39 pm

L a T e X H e R p E s

Superficial GLAMOUR! Queen.


I love your art in the arenas.


Superficial GLAMOUR! Queen.


Report | 01/05/2008 1:09 pm


oh lol

Report | 08/13/2007 10:59 am


Hi, im sorry about advertising onoyur profile but i just had to spread the word about The Mosh Pit club for all those that love rock metal and punk music.

There are many many things from loud music, the bar top, romance rooms and wrestling rings....Drinks will be serverd by waitresses and music blareing all the time


please come give the moshpit a look weather just for a drink or a fight maybe even a job

Report | 06/15/2007 11:25 pm


wassas los, mein Bruder?

well, joo have fun with that and use them' guns to do a few Juden.....
Princess Euphoria

Report | 03/31/2007 7:13 pm

Princess Euphoria

hey remember me u ******** me on my other account well lets do it again !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Report | 02/17/2007 5:27 am


hehe thanks ^^ you've got some kick a** problems with the ex though o_O
sue her a**!
Princess Euphoria

Report | 01/25/2007 2:39 pm

Princess Euphoria

Sup is been a while if u know what i meen (sex)

Report | 12/10/2006 7:37 pm


Hey neighbor!

Report | 06/28/2006 6:42 pm


ninja Don't mind me but...*poke*

Report | 06/18/2006 12:04 pm


..:: i love your profile..its different ::..


Go ask Alice when she's ten feet tall...