
Hey there! I really don't come on here much nowadays because life keeps me too busy. But send me a pm if you want to stay connected in some crazy way.

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Xaiphas on 09/03/2024
Etherious Of The Night on 05/06/2022
TEAMRAINBLUR on 05/08/2021
Piggyback-Chan on 04/29/2021
Great Googily Moogily on 03/31/2021
hexaphobia on 07/17/2020
Montemorencye on 04/11/2020
Aktmile on 10/20/2019
Twintails of Doom on 09/17/2019


izuna_13_13's avatar

Last Login: 01/14/2024 1:19 pm

Registered: 08/01/2007

Location: A Circus that Only Appears at Midnight

Birthday: 05/05


DON'T POOT! It's against the law in my world!User ImageUser Image
Ah, frog life is good life.


You scrolled far! You've won the Nobel Peace Prize!

Tell me if you scrolled down here!