
Welcome!! Welcome! Please come on in, sit down and make yourself comfortable by the fire! If there is anything you are interested in please do not be afraid to ask Argy, he's a very nice dragon. I'm sure he'll take care of all your needs. ^_^


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I'm currently working towards my masters in TESOL, which stands for teaching English as a second language. I can't wait to be done. I'm also an avid gamer and love arts and crafts hobbies. 4laugh

Izyy Kwon Do

Izyy Kwon Do's avatar

Last Login: 01/27/2016 7:57 pm

Registered: 11/23/2006

Gender: Female


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I'm currently working towards my masters in TESOL, which stands for teaching English as a second language. I can't wait to be done. I'm also an avid gamer and love arts and crafts hobbies. 4laugh


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XoIcicleXo Report | 04/19/2011 5:29 am
thanks for purchasing~~~~~
Sepia Ghost Report | 04/17/2010 9:36 pm
Batman: Here's a question only the REAL Commissioner Gordon would know! What is the name of Gotham City, the City where Commissioner Gordon works?

Real Gordon: Why that's simple, I--

Metalicland Gordon: GOTHAM CITY!!!!

lol metalicland comic <3 XD
Sepia Ghost Report | 06/25/2009 4:51 pm
Hey! So, Saturday won't work for me, but Friday will. Is that still ok with you? Sorry this is short notice... I'm going to be out so text me or leave a voice mail to let me know if you can, or if I don't get a message from you today I'll try calling you tomorrow too. And if you can't that's cool too, I realize I messed up by not getting back to you until like the day before! If you can, do you want to go somewhere, or for the sake of time and money would you like to come over here and I can make you some iced tea and yummy snacks? Let me know your preference! Talk to you later!
Sepia Ghost Report | 06/22/2009 8:58 pm
Hey Izyy, long time no talk. Sorry, school takes up pretty much all my time! But I'm on a term break until Monday so let me know if you have some time to go get tea at a coffee shop some morning to catch up (I'd say breakfast but I just had my wisdom teeth out so I can't eat solid food, lame!) I'm not exactly sure when I'll be free yet. It's lame because it's like I have to pack everything I don't have time to do during the term into just one week, so it's like a puzzle trying to figure out when the best time is to get everything in. So yeah, if you think you'll have time just let me know which days and times work for you. And if you don't have time... you need to at least get a facebook or use your myspace so we can at least keep in better contact online!! Anyway, let me know!
True DragonKing Report | 05/20/2009 3:35 pm
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Luigi Koopa jr Report | 11/03/2008 11:48 pm
yeah its me the crazy an loving boy of the zOMG!!

remeber next time only kissme User Image !
stevesmunky Report | 11/03/2008 7:34 pm
!! i was actually pretty busy getting my halloween costume ready, i didnt have much time to write to anyone. but i hope you guys had fun!
NEGASCOTT Report | 10/24/2008 2:35 am
hope you sleep well m'lady, g'nite.
NEGASCOTT Report | 10/24/2008 1:56 am
haha yeh! i wouldve loved to have a hood like urs but enchanted book is expensive..
NEGASCOTT Report | 10/24/2008 1:51 am
thats what we have to do. we have lower health...but stronger attack.

so alas, we must slink amoung the shadows.


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My True Dream Avatar


Dreams are worth having. Without them life would be pretty boring. So don't be afraid to dream!

Drew this when I was 12. Used to love Sailor Moon. ^_^
I'm no artist. It was just fun at the time.

I Love Nene Thomas's Art!
If you like this picture
check out her website:

Avi art done by:VxCelestialXSnow_WolfxZ

My Dream Avatar!

Another version of
My Dream Avatar...
Batman Style!

Another over the top
Avatar I will never be
able to afford.
I do wish I could have
it though.

Another cute version
of my avi i hope to
have one day. ^_^

OMG! I just
couldn't resist!
Here is my idea
of a succubus
from WOW. Enjoy!
Not that I want one
but it actually came out
pretty nicely.

I call this one
"Demon Hunter"
since she looks
more like a demon
hunter than a vampire
hunter. ^_^It would be
cool to have my avi look
like this.


Another cute idea i
couldn't pass up as
maybe a future avi?

I decided to come
up with a LOTR's
inspired avi.
This is my idea
of Lady Galadriel.

Hey look it looks
almost like my ditsy
superhero Horny Girl.
All i need is the hair.

I call it:
"Angelic Warrior"
Actually there isn't
much i'd need for this
one...2 items, but
unfortunately they are
very expensive...sigh...

Another elaborate
version of my dream
avi, angelic style.

A mermaid inspired
look. Hey it's pink
and cute. ^_~

This is Avi art done by one of my best friends: Sepia Ghost

Isn't she talented? ^_^