
I'll get around to this eventually. Just changing things up right now.


Wingfire's Thoughts and Musings

Just whatever I want in here. If I find a survey that tells about me, it's going in here. If I have something on my chest I want to let off, it'll find it's way on here. Just anything that's.. well.. me.


Viewing 7 of 7 comments.

Codekittens Mule

Report | 06/29/2008 5:45 am

Codekittens Mule

well ribbon snakes are mostly aquatic so they eat fish/newts/frogs and so on of small creatures around rivers and ponds. plus he was at his max length of 5ft an 3 pencils in thickness lol

~jus woke up xD ~
Codekittens Mule

Report | 06/28/2008 8:42 pm

Codekittens Mule

yeah it has been a while, and nothing much really just been working at my grandpa's picking berries for the summer. This winter I'll most likely get my game stop job back lol xD because they have to hire for x-mas. but for now i've been doing odd jobs here and there. This account was hacked for a long while.. but as you can tell i finally got it back, an now a mule of mine is been banned for 'botting' accusment.. -.- but it seems I'm not the only one with a banned account for that recently, they banned alot of vendors and refreshers on here so i guess i got banned for refreshing too much =/

and my snake died a little bit ago too D: i didn't know goldfish as a constant diet for the ribbon snake could end up killing it. T.T thats all the pet shops say to feed um </3 oh well i guess i'll know better now that i lookd into it for if i get another one.

~sorry i typed a bit im kinda sleepy xD so its more or less just blabber lol ~
Codekittens Mule

Report | 06/28/2008 8:25 pm

Codekittens Mule

User Image

Torus Ragnarok

Report | 06/27/2008 9:27 pm

Torus Ragnarok

Hey, man. It's amazingly difficult to find anyone from the Eastern Shore on the Internet. Especially Gaia. It's amazing.

I'm from somewhere near Crisfield. Which college d'you go to? I'm in Wor-Wic, but I need to hurry up and find my a** a four-year sometime soon.

Report | 06/25/2008 5:57 am


Thank you for purchasing.
Vanilla Mochi

Report | 12/15/2007 9:32 pm

Vanilla Mochi

I think I did okay. I wish he'd email me my grade.

How about you?
Vanilla Mochi

Report | 09/21/2007 10:05 am

Vanilla Mochi

Your page is looking a little bare so I figured I'd leave a comment User Image