
Hence, it was she who turned away
Walking down a dark path that made her blind
Believing the those she cared for, cared for her in return

Hence, walking down a dark road
Believing all that she was told
Dreaming of those she thought to love
And thought to love in return

What do you do when one who makes you stop crying
Is the one who hast made you cry?

Walking a dark path
A journey on and on
Believing it will always last
When in reality, she has no one

Walking with angels with black tinted wings
Her trust is so wary
But she gave her life to them.
Now, dosn't trust seem ever so scary?


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 10/27/2007 5:03 pm


< 3
TAY is twisted

Report | 04/19/2007 3:25 pm

TAY is twisted

aww yer sweet :3
King Sole_luver

Report | 04/14/2007 8:51 pm

King Sole_luver

random comment
TAY is twisted

Report | 04/14/2007 8:40 pm

TAY is twisted

Hi. And thank you back on that board ;3 I don't get called hot often.

Report | 07/20/2006 12:12 am


hello......random comment yay! smile
momo koneko

Report | 07/11/2006 1:17 pm

momo koneko

you both were fighting ( no fighting)
momo koneko

Report | 06/19/2006 1:44 pm

momo koneko

I'm a kitty, meow
Jaenelle SaDiablo

Report | 06/13/2006 12:24 pm

Jaenelle SaDiablo

-Smiles and hugs-


Report | 06/13/2006 7:50 am


hell yes ofcourse I would want to be friends again!!
you are right that it is your choice. And I feel all warm and fuzzy insid when I hear that you would give up cutting for a friend.
Jaenelle SaDiablo

Report | 06/12/2006 7:51 pm

Jaenelle SaDiablo

Makes sense.
Okay, your opinion matters every little bit as mine.
In my opinion, if I wanted to be dark and morbid, I could be. But if it means losing a friend, it's not worth it.
If I wanted to cut, it should be my choice what to do with my body. But if it means losing a friend, it's not worth it.
If I wanted to talk about suicide, if I wanted to wear black, if I wanted to see the blood run from the wounds within my flesh, if I wanted to hate everyone and everything.. it's my choice.
But none of it is worth losing a friend over.
I'm not talking about crappy friends like Kaitlyn and Amanda, I'm talking about you...

I miss you terribly... If I said that I would stop...
Would you, forgive me..?