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Johnny777Nny Report | 05/15/2008 12:08 pm
gordonihate you Report | 05/11/2008 8:35 pm
gordonihate you goes's 11:28 in the PM and I am really board
gordonihate you Report | 05/11/2008 8:30 pm
gordonihate you goes's 11:28 in the PM and I am really board
Ms Kodiac Ninja Report | 03/28/2008 3:38 pm
Ms Kodiac Ninja
Ack.horrible Kodiac....Making so many typos....ignore them.
Ms Kodiac Ninja Report | 03/28/2008 3:32 pm
Ms Kodiac Ninja
^_^ I forgot wot that hat is called but oddly enough I want one now.XD I t'ink the black/red horns sold me.ACK!My cosplay outfit STILL isn't 'ere in the USA.I'm pissed at Asia right now and their postal service.....-__-' And I like sitting on NNY's 'ead.xP *turns into a small fox and sits on ground*Oh yes.I'm getting a chinchilla and naming him FISH.It's official.^_^ My friends and I are all going to share a house and my demands are:

~I MUST 'ave a chinchilla

~I MUST 'ave a room somwhere in the house for my guitars and songwriting stuffs

~Nobody better b***h at me when I start playinmetal rock songs at 1AM cause I'm bored.

My boyfriend and I are deciding on wot we would do after high school.This is how it went:

Him:You plan on having kids?

Me:*looks at 'im funny*Wot brought that up?

Him:Well.....After college you want to get married?

Me:*looks at 'im again wit' a strange look*You serious?


Me:n-no.I don't really want kids!

Him:Whatcha name 'em if you and I did have kids?

Me:*thinks*If I 'ad a girl I'd name 'er Mary Jane,Crystal Meth or Chinchilla.And If I 'ad a boy I'd name 'im Gravity Bong,Tundra or Wobnair-


Me:*grins stupidly* it's RAINBOW spelt backwards.You know I'm not 100% straight.

Him:Okay...when we move in with the others we'll get a dog and name it Wobnair!


Him:To see if we can successfully take care of a dog to see if we can take care of a child without killing it!

Me:NO!I LOVE animals!Babies are annoying!If I 'ave ANY kids they're gonna be made into a smoothie!

Him:But you're a vegan...

Me:I'm aware of that.

XD Looooooonnnnnngggg comment.That's because I loves youse!^_^
Ms Kodiac Ninja Report | 03/27/2008 1:38 pm
Ms Kodiac Ninja
MEH!I don't wish to attend school next week dammit!*smacks faculity*YOUSE CAN'T MAKE ME GO!

*gets drug away by her boyfriend* -__-' Damn youse too!...Stupid sexy manager of our band!


*pokes thing on NNY's head while being drug off*Wot is that t'ing on your 'ead?!?
Johnny777Nny Report | 03/26/2008 11:19 pm
I'm so gay.... when I first saw that finger poking the penguin icon thing...

....I thought it was Master Hand. :3
Ms Kodiac Ninja Report | 03/26/2008 7:15 pm
Ms Kodiac Ninja
I dunno.I was lookin' at youse until youse came over here.*laughs*
Ms Kodiac Ninja Report | 03/26/2008 7:01 pm
Ms Kodiac Ninja
*Sits in the corner of your profile*YES.You 'ave corners now.-__- *drinks guava juice*
Zellis Love Report | 03/23/2008 9:48 pm
Zellis Love
O_O wow.... 5k.... heh wow


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