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My Dream Avatars



[img:d2e35a3d40][/img:d2e35a3d40] heart


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Emperor Pilaf Report | 09/13/2018 9:40 am
Hey Japanese Wasabi! How are you doing? Are you still creating art?
mumbaby Report | 06/18/2009 10:45 pm
WHAT YOU CALL ME NAUGHTY BABY AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH........................................................................................................................................................................................
mumbaby Report | 06/12/2009 5:24 am
what what what what
mumbaby Report | 06/11/2009 3:35 am
bububububuubububuububuubububububububuububububububuubububbuubububububuububububububuubububuiiiiiiiiisay no
mumbaby Report | 06/10/2009 2:34 am
what look so nine_ profile or me
mumbaby Report | 06/03/2009 1:51 am
u mo too
mumbaby Report | 06/02/2009 9:51 pm
what a frog??????? and wait i am a people la you ............
mumbaby Report | 06/01/2009 3:16 am
mummummumummum ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....................................................
Emperor Pilaf Report | 03/30/2009 10:05 am
Yeah, the economy is pretty messed up these days, but I'm sure things will get better over time. That's always the way it is, the work gets harder but the boss never gives you a raise. I haven't been online much either because the internet at my house is having problems but other then that I'm doing pretty good, just trying to focus on school. You still keeping up with your artwork? I still treasure the art I got from your shop, it's so pretty!
Emperor Pilaf Report | 03/23/2009 2:25 pm
Hey Japanese Wasabi! How's everything?
cutety zine
Japanese wasabi

We are family!!!!!

yo! sis

We r twin but not same face at all!

We r not twin but look like twin!