
Jar Full of Painkillers

Jar Full of Painkillers's avatar

Last Login: 08/03/2021 3:07 pm

Registered: 04/20/2005

Gender: Female

Location: Puerto Rico

Birthday: 03/08/1989


Some random facts about me:
  • Spanish is my native language, though I prefer to speak in English.
  • I'm twenty nine.
  • My RL nickname is Blue, given to me when my friends decided my name was too common and I had a blue streak of hair which was not as common.
  • Some of my RL friends call me Tenshi, though, because that's how my old account was called.
  • I like to think I draw decent avi art, even though I don't draw very often.
  • I have a sweet tooth.
  • I have a thing for puzzles and logic problems and such.
  • I was in a choir for two and a half years.
  • I randomly break into song, especially if I have one stuck in my head.
  • I like to think I'm a WGer, even though I don't go there much. It's still my home forum.
  • My sister and I are connected in song. We randomly start singing the same song at the same time.
  • I had a pet chicken. She died when she was 5 years old. She was an epic chicken. My other pet chicken, Tomato, had to be given away because, long story short, my neighbor is an a*****e.
  • Other than that, I've pretty much never had pets.
  • My favorite band is currently The Xx.
  • I have a collection of books and nail polish. Both have over a hundred in them.
  • As you could probably guess, reading and painting my nails are two passions of mine.
  • I tried studying many things, but cosmetology turned out to be what I was passionate about. This is also ironic because I'm lazy and would much rather have my hair up in a messy bun than brushed, and I don't wear make up.
  • I'm quiet and to myself irl, but online I'm much more approachable.
  • I find people intimidating, especially online, and I still struggle understanding why.
  • I overthink pretty much everything.
  • I don't like going out. I prefer to stay in my room as much as possible.

I'm not good at making random facts about me, so if you're curious just ask!

Leave a message, beeeeep!

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I Sinistro I Report | 05/07/2021 3:26 pm
I Sinistro I
Hey! biggrin I haven't spoken to you in forever! How've you been?? I'm just coming back to Gaia and I've just been getting reacquainted with the site! I hope you've been doing okay! If you're cool with it, we can exchange social medias again- my last account got nuked, cause I was dumb enough to link it to my Facebook, and yeah.
Anyway! I missed you! Let me know how you've been!
Holy Slayer Report | 03/08/2017 3:35 pm
Holy Slayer
Happy Birthday! I hope you were a Jar Full of Celebrations today, I'd get you a gift but all the s**t on your wishlist is far above me so I'll try to think of something even if it's late.
Fractured_Unity Report | 03/08/2017 3:04 pm
Happy Birthday!
Thee Magical Yuri Toaster Report | 12/17/2016 8:15 pm
Thee Magical Yuri Toaster
Thank you Jar! emotion_hug And I'll wait to open it.

*stares at package intensely and wags tail* <3
Thee Magical Yuri Toaster Report | 12/08/2016 4:54 pm
Thee Magical Yuri Toaster
Ahhhhhhhhhhh I just read that post and thank you so much. ;_; Weeks been rough and busy and I really needed that. <3 So genuine and so sweet.

I feel the same way! We've never talked much but you are such a good person to me and someone I like a lot and that I have a lot of respect for and can tell really cares about your friends and you just seem so sweet to me even if I don't know you very well. :'D

GodzlIIa Report | 11/14/2016 4:47 pm
Yussssssssssh OVVO
GodzlIIa Report | 11/14/2016 3:53 pm
ouo because you are smart.
I also love puzzles.
GodzlIIa Report | 11/14/2016 3:46 pm
work out mentally!
-gives you a puzzle-
GodzlIIa Report | 11/14/2016 3:41 pm
Yay im helping by default .o.
I know but it wont be to long now!
GodzlIIa Report | 11/14/2016 3:37 pm
its mostly because that song every little thing is going to be alright.
but I am sorry you are not happy today if there is anything I can do I would.

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