
Hi I'm JasmineWillow, as it says. Jasmine because it's my favourite flower
and Willow because...I liked the tree. I like swimming, volleyball, basketball, soccer, badminton, drawing, writing, reading, colouring, painting, anime, manga, flying (at least I wish I could) and all the normal rot.
I'm shy, normally quiet though I have been known to shout a lot, I have a temper, I don't like to go to school but I force myself to and to get good grades (at least I say they're good grades, my parents are another story) I like to eat (no spicy stuff!!) I hate it when I ask someone "what's up?" and they answer with the ceiling or something that really is up there. I've tried to write a journal/diary whatever you want to call it, but I've always failed and so my journal is now my brain as I'm sure the majority of world's is (much safer and no one can ever find it and read)
I'm ever so slightly insane (or so I've been told, though I agree) but don't worry, I'm not a physco killer, I don't plan on sneaking in your house and murdering you, I have better ways to spend my time.
I like the colours sapphire and emerald (and don't tell me it's blue or green it's sapphire and emerald and that's that) I love, love, love riding motorbikes but I can't in Canada, though that's the only reason I go to India. My grandpa has a pink scooter (not a motorbike but close enough, and it's pink because he brought it when I was little and obsessed with that colour, though I'm pretty sure every little girl is) that I ride when I get there. Though I can't ride a lot because he get's scared and I have to go with his wishes or risk being the catalyst of my grandfather's heart attack (he's 74 and pretty weak, and scared of cars or anything on wheels...and wires...and electricity, which is why my grandma had to fix their T.V when it broke down)
I feel like I've been rambling this whole time, this is why I don't like doing this stuff, why do I need to write about myself to a bunch of strangers *sigh* it's one of my many questions that will never be answered.
Well, I'll stop of here. Anything else you want to know just comment and I shall answer *bows low* GOOD DAY TO YOU ALL biggrin