
Here's a survey about me so i don't have to explain 3nodding

Name: Jason Hawkins
Age: 15
Sex: Male
Date of Birth: March 19th
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Green/ Grey
Race: Human xD
Favorite. . .
Color(s): Blue/ Green
Food: Tacos 3nodding
Drink: Mountain Dew
Television Show: Naruto or some other anime
Movie: Idk
Song: The Demon Inside by Bullet for My Valentine
Artist: Red Jumpsuit Apparatus or Three Days Grace
Place to be: Backyard j/k
Stuffed animal: ...
Pet: My dog?
Person: Me! j/k
Game: Guitar Hero
Clothing brand/style: normal
What do you want in the opposite sex?
Hair color: Idc but i prefer brown
Eye color: It doesn't matter
Tatoos: eh, doesn't matter.
Peircings: Don't care
Body Type: not too thin, not fat.
Do they have to be rich?: no
Do they have to be popular?: no
Personality or Looks?: personality mainly
This or that
Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi products
Vanilla or Chocolate: Doesn't matter
Black or White: Black
Cats or Dogs: Dogs
Sink or Swim: Wtf?
Lake or Ocean: Lake
Night or Day: Night
Half Full or Half Empty: same thing..
Desktops or Laptops: either
Playstation or Xbox: Playstation
Summer or Winter: Summer
Cold or Warm: warm..
Cowboys or Indians: Cowboys
Lover or Fighter: both xD
Car or Truck: Truck
Cup or Glass: Bottle?
Fork or Spoon: Spork D<
Walking or Running: huh?
The Fast or The Furious: Fast?
What do you think of when I say. . .
Soup: Tomatoes.
Wardrobe Malfunction: wtf?
Heaven: Jesus!
Hell: Hell?
Cucumber: Melon..
Salad: Chicken
Big Mac: Whopper D<
Sexy: Me! xD j/k
Pirates: Ninja!
Significant: huh?
Beautiful: girls =D
Lion: Liger!
Blues Clues: wtf?
Rainbow: Gayness O_o
Cloud: Final Fantasy...
Rapper: Hate
Gangsta: whatever
White and Nerdy: Wierd Al xD
Lolli pop: ...
Wave: Water?
Fad: ...
Aliens: UFO's
Ghost: Screamers! =D
Survey: Annoyance.
Do you or have you ever had. . .
A piercing: nope
A tattoo: not yet..
A sibling: two
Parents that are still together: yeah
A boyfriend/girlfriend: have had
A husband/wife: not really...I'm 15..
A child: no..
A really wild party while your parents were away?: nope
An alcoholic beverage: once..
A pet of your own: yeah a frog from my pond xD
A house of your own: not yet
A car of your own: not yet.
An iPod: yeah
Do you. . .
Smoke: no
Drink: yeah, water and stuff :]
Do drugs: nope
Hug on the first date: maybe
Kiss on the first date: depends
'Do it' on the first date: no
Shower Daily: yup
Brush your teeth daily: yeah
Keep your room clean: sometimes.
Do all your homework: depends how much.
Plan on going to college: kinda
Do you believe in. . .
God/Heaven: kinda
Satan/Hell: a little
Ghosts: kinda
Aliens: not really
Witches/wizards: nope
Magic: not really
Big Foot/Sasquatch/Abominable Snowmen: not really
The past life: kinda
Global Warming: idk
Humanism: Uh, yeah?
Scienceology: I guess so
Hinduism: idk
Buddism: idk
Taoism: idk
Wiccaism: idk
What's your middle name? ...
Have any Nicknames? Panda..
What is your favorite name? Mines okay
What do you wish your name was? Something Japanese 3nodding
What is your favorite season? Spring
Do you drink alot of water? Yeah
Do you have a pet? yeah
Do you have a computer at your house? 5 of them.
Do you live in an apartment, house, trailor or other? house
Favorite place to chill? friend's house
Favorite place to visit? same as above
Ever have an imaginary friend? i don't remember
If so, what was their name? i said i don't remember..
Ever eaten something really disgusting? yeah
Do you work out? sometimes
Have you ever gotten arrested? no.
If so, for what? >.>
Have you ever cheated on someone? no.
Has anyone ever cheated on you? yea..
Have you ever kissed a stranger? no
Have you ever kissed someone of the same sex? no.
have you ever gotten drunk? not that i remember
Could you ever be a vegitarian? probably not
Can you sing? ...not really
Can you dance? not really
Can you draw, paint, color well? i can draw okay
Do you have a job? yeah kinda
Do you like tape? Yuss.
Do you like glue? wtf?
Can you solve a Rubik's Cube? Yup
How did you like this survey? hated it.




Viewing 3 of 3 comments.


Report | 05/21/2008 7:41 pm


hey Welcome to Gaia ...
I love your Profile ..
Gaara is my favorite character ..
on Naruto he is awesome ..
and i like your Avi too ..
Nice work Dude ..

Report | 05/21/2008 7:31 pm


hey im Lattiera call me lati

Report | 05/21/2008 6:54 pm


Comments anyone?


User Image

Name: Jason Hawk
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Grade: 9
Orientation: Straight
Dorm #: 9
Any groups?: Soccer and Guitar Lessons