Jaspers gurl

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hey peps my name is Kakashis Mistress. I absolutly love kakashi he's so sexy. oh and by the way if you wont to talk about yaoi parings i sugest you don't. not unless you wont you'r a** kicked


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XxJems Report | 03/18/2009 6:02 pm
Never mind XxJems is back!
Kamani-chan Report | 03/18/2009 3:46 pm
XxJems new account
Ino Yamanaka90 Report | 12/31/2008 8:38 pm
Ino Yamanaka90
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! ^_^* Sorry I haven't been on lately. I heard about Katy and Thomas going out when I went to go drop Ben's gift off at his house. I yelled at her about it because she keeps saying she'll stay single then next thing I know, she's with someone! Last I had heard he and Cheyenne were dating, and now this. I'm tempted to kick him in the balls. But you like him a lot so I'm not gonna do anything. You can text me, y'know lol I'm gonna be paying mom $20 a month for my texting until I get a job at an office and then I'll probably be switching to Verizon. I'm sorry you're hurting, Sammy. The last thing I would want is for you to be hurt. You gotta tell him what you feeling otherwise he's never gonna figure it out. I'm already mad at him for pretty much acting like Ben and not knowing what he wants (well I know Ben wanted a gf but apperently he's really picky lol). Is there anything I can do to help?
Ino Yamanaka90 Report | 12/11/2008 7:06 pm
Ino Yamanaka90
He's STILL trying to get with you? I thought he was with Cheyenne! I'm still with Jesse. We went through a really rocky patch just recently but things are getting better again. Dad was being a douche and would hit me for fun and one night made me really hurt myself and I was crying so mom kicked his a**. Now things are getting better again lol Had fun at Riley's on her birthday last saturday, except Mike pissing her off at one point. Wanna hang out with Mary and Ben again. They were hilarious! Especially when I had to leave the next morning. They loved my boobs so they both hugged them goodbye lmao It was funny. Can't wait until xmas! ^_^ Just 14 more days! TWO MORE WEEKS!
Ino Yamanaka90 Report | 11/27/2008 1:04 pm
Ino Yamanaka90
Ino Yamanaka90 Report | 11/25/2008 7:50 am
Ino Yamanaka90
do me a favor and do NOT tell Chandra where I work. I really don't want her to know where I work.
Ino Yamanaka90 Report | 11/22/2008 8:31 am
Ino Yamanaka90
lol that's okay, neither did I >.< But I gots myself a new loofah. Keep it in my room until I take my showers. I gots a job at Victoria's Secret at Jordan Creek ^_^ I've got a 17 hours this week. and one of my shifts its just me working with coworkers to restock and put stuff out on the floors.
Ino Yamanaka90 Report | 11/16/2008 9:46 am
Ino Yamanaka90
lol I know the feeling. My older sister totally f*cks up her life, is about to have her 3rd baby on the 26th, my parents think I should go out and date, but the second I like even one person, they do ballistic. It's stupid! But I can beat you on the gross scale. One, my dad HAS to remind me that his sex life sucks, and he's been using my LOOFAH! UGH! I just bought a new one and it stays in my room unless I take a shower.
Ino Yamanaka90 Report | 11/14/2008 6:19 pm
Ino Yamanaka90
I'm so sorry, Sammy. If it makes you feel any better, the 29th I gotta deal with ALL those people on mom's side of the family I met at my great-grandmother's funeral be disappointed that I'm not attending college. Then again, they'll be more shocked I might be working at Victoria's Secret lmao I just had an interview today and the lady called while I was out with my parents at Wal-Mart and although she has another interview on Monday for the movie theatre at Jordan Creek, she said if that doesn't work out for me then she'll still have the job for me at Victoria's Secret there lol Good thing about working there: I get 30% discount and whenever they get new items in, we get them either free or at a discount. Bad thing: no health benefits so I can't get sick or get hurt. Although I'm planning on working there at least 6 months and at the 5 month mark go job hunting again or something for something better. I'm still sorry for what you're going to have to go through.
Ino Yamanaka90 Report | 11/10/2008 7:03 pm
Ino Yamanaka90
Wow, I'm sorry. Instead, we're having a thanksgiving of just the 4 of us, and xmas me and Char are only getting one or two presents. After new year's though, my parents are gonna get a load of presents for us lmao its gonna be kinda like hanneka (oh dear god I KNOW I spelled that wrong lmao). I still can't believe my sister read that Jesse and I had sex on your profile. I yelled at her to look at her OWN friends' profiles, not my friends' profiles. I'm still job hunting, but for some strange reason when I stopped by Victoria's Secret to pick up an application for kicks, I had a feeling I'd get a job there if I didn't get a job at mom's work lmao



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