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Jayden WolfEye

Jayden WolfEye's avatar

Last Login: 08/16/2011 12:11 am

Gender: Male


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Jayden's character bio: ( questions or comments on any of this? PM me. Also, DO NOT STEAL ANY IDEAS / CONCEPTS, PLZKTHNX )

First Name: Jayden

Middle Name / Alias: ( none )

Last Name: WolfEye

Species: Elf

Age: ( undecided - human equivalent to early 20s )

Gender: Male

Height: ( undecided )

Weight: ( undecided )

Physical Description: Jayden has always been a little on the scrawny side, probably due to his book-loving nature, yet still active life-style. His tattoo color upon birth was orange, a rather unique color considering how light it is - most elven tattoo colors are on the darker side. He has long, straight, but thick, jet-black hair, which is allowed to fall in front of his ears freely, but the bangs are not separated from the rest of the hair so it merely looks as though his long, elf-ears are popping out of his thick hair. He has light, purple-colored eyes.

Clothing: Jayden has a tendency to wear tanned leather, the collar a deep V-shape, and his sleeves being decoratively torn into strips from his shoulder most of the way down to his elbow. His pants are similar in style, the decorative strips starting just below the knee and falling about half-way down the calf muscles. More often than not he does not wear shoes, but when he does they're open-toed and easily removable such as sandals.

Image URL: [link]

Family Relations: ( All relations Jayden has tend to be rather distant in relation, but he considers them, and they consider him a closer relative, so despite being a "distant" relation, they merely consider one another as if he were closer in the family tree such as a "cousin", "uncle", "aunt" or the like instead of a "distant cousin", "distant aunt", "distant uncle" or the like even though those would be the proper terms. The only relations that would NOT have the "distant" prefix would be Eddie and Lola, who are directly related to him, though anyone else is not. ) Zen FallPaw ( cousin ), Russell FallPaw ( cousin ), Akida FallPaw ( cousin ), Puck FallPaw ( uncle ), Rosa FallPaw ( aunt ), Puck FallPaw ( uncle ), Lucious FallPaw ( uncle ), Lylach FallPaw ( aunt ), Eddie FallPaw ( great-great-grandfather ), Lola ( great-great-grandmother ), ( parents and siblings not yet named, but it's estimated that Jayden has approximately seven siblings )

Other Relations: ( Jayden is usually stuck in his tome enough that he doesn't really get out to get to know people, so relations outside of his family are minimal ) Spunky ( best friend - their souls are literally connected. If Jayden dies, so does Spunky, but if Spunky dies, Jayden is merely crippled for a short period of time. "Short" for an elf, that is. )

Personality Traits: Jayden is a book-nerd, there's no escaping that fact. He loves to read, study, do ANYTHING that will get his mind working. He's especially fascinated with the "laws" of death, and has done a great deal of paranormal research to uncover secrets about "life after death", though perhaps the first time that these interests were sparked was when he discovered his tome for the first time and began reading and understanding it. Despite his natural disposition towards necromancy, Jayden has a very kind, calm, sweet, and fun-loving disposition, and will go out of his way to help even a perfect stranger. He's a little shy and socially awkward, so he doesn't often venture out of his room or comfort zone, but he's genuinely kind-hearted and his bashfulness tends to warm people to him quite easily. When in familiar company, Jayden can be very high-energy, and since he doesn't often have a chance to release this energy, he can be a bit of a handful to deal with at times, being overly excitable and energetic, much like a child in most aspects. Truth me told, Jayden wasn't allotted much of a childhood when he was younger, which is probably why his childish behavior has manifested now, in his later years.

Occupation: Jayden has never had a job of the typical sense. He helps his family around the house, and does typical grunt-level jobs quite often, but he also has his specialties that people seek him out for. He's excellent at researching just about anything, and people have recruited him to find information that is otherwise buried to the public eye, or those unfamiliar with how to properly dig up such information. He has also been hired as a "spirit translator", as in contacting deceased kin and speaking to and for them from family members. He has been asked numerous times to resurrect various things, but more often than not Jayden will refuse unless the body is freshly dead and the spirit wishes to continue living, otherwise he will not force the spirit back into the body, but uses more of a "healing" approach than a "resurrecting" approach where he heals the damage done and gently coaxes the soul back into the body as opposed to flat-out resurrecting a dead body.

Biography: Jayden's parents had moved into the mountainous region of Japan while his mother was pregnant, and born while their house was still in construction. His father did most of the work, building the tiny hut, but it's since been added onto and has lasted quite well throughout the years. They had brought with them a little, white, schnauzer-looking dog while traveling that was still a puppy when Jayden was born, so the two of them grew up together ( the dog's name being Spunky ). He grew up a happy child, but obedient and well-behaved, though he stumbled across an ancient tome in the attic when he was very small and dedicated most of his days to translating the old, dead language since neither of his parents could read it, and the book itself fascinated him. He had translated a fair amount of it, and practiced various arts from it on a regular basis, not understanding the concept of necromancy and the laws set forth of death and life, but desiring to help others by using the magic inscribed within this book. When he was seven years old, Spunky died trying to fend off a bear that was bent on attacking Jayden's father. That night it was raining hard, but Jayden was determined to use his tome to resurrect Spunky, so he headed out with shovel and tome at hand, and did just that. He was still unpracticed at the art, though, so upon resurrection Spunky was given milky-white eyes that signify the animals undead status due to the fact that the soul was shoved back into the body without ample warning, and also in the process was bonded with Jayden's own soul. Upon arriving home, Jayden's parents had come undone, trying to chase Spunky out, knowing that he should be rightfully dead, and unknowing that their son was responsible for his re-life. Jayden defended Spunky, running and cowering in a corner, and when his parents realized the terror on his face from their reactions, they knew they had done wrong and accepted Spunky back into the house, though warily, and demanded the tome be destroyed. However, once the demand was made the tome had once again disappeared, only reappearing several months later in Jayden's room after the ordeal was forgotten and the tome was once again safe. However, once the Grand Council caught wind of this, the immediately scolded Jayden, making him become one of the youngest elves to ever be deemed a Corrupt. The whole experience had emotionally crippled Jayden and he became quite reserved and timid, though he never lost his benevolent smile and typically cheery disposition, it only became a bit more of a private ordeal, only really appearing within his house walls. Seeing the damage done to the child, and coming to the conclusion that he was probably too young to fully understand the consequences of what he had done, however, the Grand Council decided to take back the title of a Corrupt, remedying the tattoo with the "Tears of Repentance" that appear on the cheeks just below the line that travels from ear to ear, signifying a "Corrupt" elf. However, the stigma, once its achieved, never truly goes away and Jayden still quite often suffers prejudice and aggression from others in his culture, though now-a-days he tends to shrug it off fairly easily, though that doesn't mean that he isn't affected by it. Jayden is an incredibly sensitive figure, even the merest things sinking deep within himself, causing him to retreat within himself and try to conceive why anyone would think such things, though the concept more often than not escaping him and his logic. He doesn't understand hate, and therefore hateful things said to him cause him no end of grief and havoc as he tries to understand, simply because that's what he does: he learns, he is an information sponge, and he puts concepts together in his mind, but blind hate cannot connect to anything within his head so it causes him deep turmoil despite the fact that he'll smile and shrug it off. In his later life his siblings have all seemed to drift away from him after coming of age enough to understand just what necromancy is, and more often than not after learning what Spunky is. Even his parents seemed to have taken to a stronger relationship with his siblings than with himself, the eldest, though they tried hard to maintain a healthy relationship with him. He never denied the fact that they loved him, and they did, but their beliefs and life styles were so tremendously different that he eventually made the decision to move in with the FallPaws on Lopezz once he caught wind of their extraordinary circumstances the one year they missed the Gathering, the FallPaws usually being one of the earliest to arrive and latest to leave, always actively engaged in the goings-on of setting things up and helping pack away in the end. After moving in with the FallPaws, Jayden finally feels as though he's found his place, a comfortable living, and relatives that understand both his culture and respect his chosen life style. It's fairly easy for him to fit in when competing on the "weirdness scale" with other elves such as Zen, Russell, and Jack, where even his necromancy seems fairly commonplace if not downright mundane.

Spunky's character bio:

First Name: Spunky

Middle Name / Alias: ( none )

Last Name: ( none, though he's lived with the WolfEye's most of his life )

Species: Canine ( mixed in breed, though most predominantly a schnauzer )

Age: ( undecided - about a year older than Jayden )

Gender: Male

Height: ( undecided - a small dog, though. Seriously, just thing schnauzer )

Weight: 12-15 lbs

Physical Description: Spunky is a small, white, schnauzer-like dog. He usually has a lolling tongue poking out of his lips, and folded ears, though they sometimes p***k fully upright, though usually only one at a time if they ever do. His eyes are a milky-white with no visible iris or pupil, though he can still see just fine, if not better than the average canine. He also has a dark, black rim around his eyes that seems to fade outward, almost like someone traced his eyes with charcoal then smudged it.

Clothing: ( he's a dog, he doesn't wear clothes )

Image URL: [link] ( same as Jayden's )

Family Relations: ( this really depends on what one considers a "family" to a dog, but he predominantly resides with Jayden, though he's a well-known and loved member of the FallPaw residence )

Other Relations: ( same as above )

Personality Traits: Spunky is more intelligent than the average dog due to just how long he's been alive, and his resurrected status. During the resurrection he was given more of a mental capacity, his soul being bound with Jayden's and therefore sharing information back and forth.

Occupation: Spunky has never been employed ( duh ), but he acts as a watch-dog, guard-dog, and overall friend, though it's been debated that he'd make a wonderful therapy dog. When watching the house, Spunky will bark just enough to get someone's attention, but no more than needed, and seldom barks at night if it's only someone familiar that's frequently at the house. If it's a friend that doesn't live at the house, he might bark, but it wouldn't be as obnoxious as if it was someone who's seldom at the house or a complete stranger. Spunky also seems to be able to read people's inner motives, and will growl and act offensively towards someone with bad intentions.

Biography: Spunky was born a stray in Japan, and wandered into the hills where he met up with Jayden's parents shortly before Jayden was born. Spunky was just a puppy at the time, but he followed them loyally, imprinting upon them due to his young age, and the two adults seemed more than happy to have him along. When he was about eight years old, he was out helping track something huntable with Jayden's father when an angry bear stormed out of the brush heading straight for the man. Spunky immediately went to work, nipping at the bear's heels and trying to distract it from the man who had so graciously given Spunky such a wonderful life, and though he escaped relatively unharmed, Spunky was killed in the process. However, later that night he was resurrected by Jayden. Spunky remained by Jayden's side ever since their souls have been bound, and he, too, took his fair share of abuse from word escaping about Jayden's affiliation with necromancy. Spunky was even abandon by Jayden's parents during one of the travels to the Gathering, but he loyally tracked the family until he was reunited with Jayden, and his parents had decided that it was wrong to try and separate, taking note that their bond was much stronger than first suspected. No one has tried to take Spunky away from Jayden since then and he's lived fairly happily ever since then, never leaving Jayden's side. Ever.


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MorphBall Report | 07/25/2006 1:51 pm
-chases Zen away with a baseball bat-
Come back 'ere! I'm not gonna do anything crazy, but you can't run away if you can't use your legs!! Jayden, grab him!
LOVE_MEH_NINJA Report | 03/03/2006 7:22 pm
Zen FallPaw Report | 12/22/2005 6:31 pm
Zen FallPaw
*Stitch voice* Cousin! *pokes*