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Estimated Total: 29,700 Gold
(Estimated with known item values on 21 May 2007)

According to lead investigator Lt. Tommy Pope, of the Fayette County Sheriff’s Department, in Fayetteville, Ga., the deaths of WWE Superstar Chris Benoit, wife Nancy and son Daniel were the result of a double murder-suicide, WWE.com has learned.

Benoit failed to appear both at Saturday’s live event in Beaumont, Tx., and WWE’s Vengeance: Night of Champions in Houston Sunday night, after informing WWE of a family emergency. Several curious text messages sent by Benoit early Sunday morning prompted concerned friends to alert Richard Hering, VP of Government Relations for WWE, Inc. Hering, in turn, spoke with Fayette County sheriffs Monday, and requested that they respond to the Benoit residence to check on him and his family.

Authorities representing the Sheriff’s Department initially had a difficult time entering Benoit’s new Fayetteville home Monday afternoon, which had been guarded by two large German Shepherds roaming freely around the property. Once authorities entered the residence, they quickly located the bodies of Benoit, Nancy and Daniel. WWE was notified of the discovery at approximately 4 p.m.

At 10 p.m. Monday night, Lt. Pope held a press conference in conjunction with Scott Ballard, the district attorney for Fayette County. The press conference officially ruled authorities’ findings as a double murder-suicide from within the home.

WAGA, a FOX-owned and operated television station in Atlanta, reported that investigators believe Benoit killed his wife and 7-year-old son over the weekend, then himself on Monday.

The three bodies have been received by the Georgia Bureau of Investigation’s crime lab, in Decatur, Ga., where autopsies will be performed Tuesday morning. Toxicology reports will not become available for at least two weeks.

WWE.com has further information relating to both the investigation and the cause of death, but the Fayette County Sheriff’s Department has requested that WWE.com not release any additional details at this time.

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Matt Hardy Will Not Die-aries

Hello, my amigos! It's that time of the week again; time for the second installment of the Will Not Die-aries! I plan on sticking to current topics with this column, and this week will be no different. I want to take a few minutes and talk about my one-time best friend that became my ultimate rival, Gregory Helms.

In case you haven't heard (and I don't know how you couldn't have), the O.G. Gregory Helms had MAJOR neck surgery this week. Helms has been the talk of the Internet the last week or so, so I decided I'd make him the talk of my WWE.com blog.

The first time I ever met Gregory "Shane" Helms was in Goldston, N.C., at the Goldston Sports Arena. Gregory was managing his partner at the time, Mike Maverick, and was one of those guys upon first seeing him – you just wanna punch him in the face. He was extremely skinny, wearing a beret and talking trash in a very confident, comfortable and secure way. I remember very vividly Helms getting hit in the head with a rock from one of the crowd members. I knew if nothing else, Gregory Helms had the fans' attention.

A couple of weeks later, I was booked to compete at an event that Gregory was also on. After the horrendous show was over, Jeff and I went to eat with Helms and his partner. I actually clicked with the O.G. right from the jump, whereas Jeff wasn't so sure of him.

As time went on, Gregory and I continued to grow closer as friends. We both had the same dream, to make a career out of working in the wrestling business and making it to the Mecca of sports-entertainment: WWE.

Greg and I also shared a similar mindset in helping our partners and friends improve their crafts. We also both "got" the professional wrestling business, whereas many of the independent wrestlers you run into don't really "get" the business.

Gregory Helms and I also shared one other very important thing in common: We were both leaders, not followers. Greg, and his partner, Mike joined our crew of me, Jeff, Shannon Moore, Joey Abs, Joey Mercury, Christian York, Steve Corino, C.W. Anderson, and Marty "Cham Pain" Garner in OMEGA. We probably became the most talented, best independent group on the East Coast.

Helms and I competed in such a healthy way at this time. If Greg had a great match, I would do my damnedest to have an awesome match. If I did a crazy move that the crowd loved, Gregory would do all he could to do a bigger and better move. It all culminated one night when I wrestled his partner in a main event match for the OMEGA championship.

When Helms walked in, I looked up at the top of a 22-foot high tractor-trailer that was beside the ring and asked him if he would jump off it. He looked at me very calmly, said "Yeah," and headed to the dressing room. So I tried to beat him to the punch during my match. I attempted to do something spectacular to his partner off the tractor-trailer, but was countered. I took a huge fall off the tractor-trailer, which was crazy (and very painful). While I was hurt in the ring, Greg's partner put me on a table. Greg put me through the table by jumping off the 22-foot trailer with an insane splash that almost broke his neck.

That was the epitome of how we tried to constantly one-up one another. Shortly thereafter, I signed with WWE. I think this was the point where Helms started feeling some animosity toward me. I had achieved what we had always dreamed about. I think it hurt Greg because he looked at everything as a contest, even achieving our dream, and he didn't like to lose. A good leader never does.

A year or so later, Gregory Helms signed with WCW, and was making a great living and name for himself. I continued to gain success within WWE, and Greg was rapidly gaining notoriety in WCW. As time went on, our phone calls became less personal and more business driven. We have such a natural rivalry; we competed and debated on who had the better match on television last week, who had the cooler moves, who had the most fans (especially female), and who would be the first to win a World Heavyweight Title.

Helms is a tough cookie to compete against. He's extremely intelligent and ridiculously talented. Knowing our history and competitive rivalry, it drove me to work hard and be as good as I possibly could be. In 2001, WWE bought WCW and Gregory Helms was coming into my backyard. I was excited.

I remember attempting to give him advice on the inner workings of the WWE, but he didn't wanna hear it. We were definitely at different places mentally at this time. I remember one particular conversation we had about relationships, where we've ALWAYS had a difference of opinions. I stated my beliefs, and he looked at me like I was an idiot. He stated his beliefs, and I just nodded my head, giving off the "I'm not listening to anything you're saying" vibe.

The interaction between my friend and I was reaching the boundaries of being unhealthy. And that sucked. I didn't feel like I had changed, but I felt like Greg had, and he seemed cold and callous towards me. Maybe it was because Jeff and I had done really well, and won several World Tag Team Championships whereas his team in WCW never really got the credit or success they were due, especially with him being the standout.

Greg's first target in WWE was me. When he debuted his new bad attitude as The Hurricane, he directed his frustrations and aggressions at his former friend. And I think he justified his bitter, self- righteous, cocky demeanor when he beat me for the European Championship.

There was no doubt about it at that time – Gregory Helms was up on Matt Hardy. As we all know, I've had a myriad of speedbumps throughout my career, and I took this as another one. I picked up and moved on.

Years later, Gregory Helms finds himself back on my show, Smackdown. He became the longest reigning Cruiserweight Champion ever in WWE – more specifically, a longer reigning Cruiserweight Champion than me. Helms called me out and started interfering in my business and it was on once again. But this time it was so different.

When I looked into Greg's eyes, all I saw was hate and anger. But I still saw my former best friend that had once stuck with me through thick and thin. I was very torn – but when I gotta go, I GO! GO! GO!

This issue came to a head at No Mercy 2006 last year in Raleigh, N.C., which is considered the hometown for both of us. In what I thought was one of the best matches of both of our careers, I defeated Helms 1-2-3 in the middle of the ring, with the Twist of Fate.

Gregory has joked about this since then, claiming that victory resuscitated my career. To be quite honest, maybe it did. From then on, I went on a tear and have defeated Helms, The Miz, King Booker, Mr. Kennedy and several others, as well as seizing the Raw World Tag Team Championship with Jeff.

Even with our relationship being so distant, I knew he was keeping up with my career, as I was his. And as weird as this seems, maybe it took this conflict between us to make us both surpass our original dreams and aspirations. Regardless of how you look at it, we've both played a part in driving the other to be successful. So therefore, in a very strange and bizarre way, we've always helped each other.

I will always respect Gregory Helms. We've been through the trenches together, we've fought together, we've partied together, we've done
everything together. And I'll be the first to say it; there's no one tougher, wittier, more talented or more resilient than Gregory Helms.

A week or so ago, I learned that Greg had a broken neck and was lucky to be walking, especially considering the severity of the injury. Last
Monday, Gregory had a destroyed disc removed, and had his C6 and C7 vertebrae fused together. It was a MAJOR surgery. If he's able to come back, it'll be at least a year before he can.

Knowing the fire and passion that burns within him is the same within me, I felt for him. We both have so much left to accomplish in this business. We always talked about who would be the first to achieve our ultimate dream--becoming the World Heavyweight Champion. And now the fact exists that Greg might not ever be able to wrestle again and fulfill that dream. Hell, that killed me.

I decided to call him last week and wish him well and let him know I was praying for him. I was worried it might be awkward, considering how rocky our relationship has been over the last few years. Just so all of you know, Greg's surgery went well and he's in good spirits. I'm so glad we had that conversation that day, it changed the entire complexion of our relationship. They say everything in this business comes full circle, and I believe that.

"Shane" Gregory Helms said something to me during that conversation that I'll never forget. I asked him if I could do anything for him during his time of need. Greg responded, "Win the big one for me." I emotionally responded, "I'll do my damnedest just for you, but only if you come back to wrestle me for it."

And I can't wait for that day.

Newest Edition of Will Not Die-aries from Matt Hardy:

Hello guys and gals! I hope everyone is doing well. It's been a very strange time here within World Wrestling Entertainment after the Mr. McMahon tragedy. Since everyone's mood recently has been somber and sad, I thought I'd go in a different direction. I want to tell everyone a very heartwarming, happy story.

Last Sunday, June 17, was Father's Day. As fate would have it, WWE just happened to have a live event in Raleigh, N.C. Coincidentally, Jeff and I were on the show in a rematch against Cade & Murdoch for the World Tag Team Titles. After some discussion between myself and Jeff, we came up with a great idea. We figured out an awesome Father's Day present for our Dad — give him the first-class treatment to, from, and at the WWE show.

Jeff and I arranged for a limousine to pick up our dad and a couple of his friends that afternoon and drive them to Raleigh. When the limo arrived, my dad and two of his close friends jumped in. They were smiling from ear to ear. As far as I know, my dad is 74-years-old, and this is the first time he's ever been in a limo. I told my dad that the limo driver was at his beck and call, and to feel free to make stops along the way if he needed to. The only stop that my dad and his friends made was to get 12 cold beers.

My dad and his crew arrived at the RBC Center in Raleigh around 5:45 p.m. My dad immediately headed toward the dressing rooms to say hello to some of the other Superstars and Divas (mainly the Divas, HA!) he'd met in the past. Pops was nonstop telling jokes and shooting the breeze with all the boys like he's known them all his life. He is certainly a character. At about 6:15, security escorted Claude G. and his buddies to their front row seats.

Myself and Jeff went on that night in the semi-main event around 9:10 p.m. We both came over and gave our dad high-fives and hugs on the way into the ring. He seemed so proud and happy as his two sons stood in the ring in front of him with thousands of people chanting “HARDY!” Cade & Murdoch were so bothered by the deafening chants that they went after members of the audience, including our father. It was quite hilarious to see my Dad threatening to slap Trevor Murdoch if he took a step closer to him.

The match finally got underway and our pops was chanting “HARDY” with all the rest of the Matt and Jeff fans. About 20 minutes into a fantastic match, Cade & Murdoch got themselves intentionally disqualified, fearing we were on the verge of regaining the tag gold. Jeff and I turned the momentum back into our favor, and left the cowboys laying after a Twist of Fate/Swanton combo. The crowd exploded as we executed our signature moves on Trevor Murdoch.

Once the ring was clear, I grabbed the microphone and thanked all of our fellow North Carolinians for their amazing support. I stated that I was disappointed that we didn't win the World Tag Team Titles back in our hometown, but tonight was still gonna be special. I reminded everyone it was Father's Day. I mentioned that Jeff and I lost our mother at an early age, and all we had was our dad. Our father was more important to Jeff and I than he'll ever know.

I then asked security to help our dad over the barricade so he could stand in the ring with his two sons and feel what we feel every night. Instantaneously, a “Legend” chant broke out in a small pocket of the building (Legend is the nickname one of the wrestlers gave him years ago, and most of our fans know that is our dad's nickname).

Our dad stepped into the WWE ring and was met with a very kind and respectful reception from all in attendance. I asked my dad if he had anything he'd like to say to all the great WWE and Hardy fans in Raleigh as I placed the mic in front of him. He was motionless and silent for five seconds or so; I could feel the nervousness within his body. I second-guessed myself and thought maybe it wasn't a good idea to put my Dad on the spot with a live mic in front of him. Suddenly, my dad broke into his most recent joke. “I've been drunk for three days — yesterday, today, and tomorrow!”

The crowd roared in approval with laughter and applause. The “Legend” even went as far as to throw up the V-1 and gunz handsigns!

When the show was over, our dad returned to the back, and was just beaming with happiness and excitement. There's no price tag you could put on seeing your father like that. Hell, Claude G. even picked up two young ladies that night at the show and told them he'd give them a lift home in his limo. I told pops to go eat, hang out, or do whatever because the car was his for the evening. I was hoping he'd live it up and enjoy himself.

The next day, I asked my dad what he did after he left the WWE show. Our father, his dates and his friends went out to a hot spot in Raleigh, where they had dinner and drinks. My dad said he rolled into his house around 4:30 a.m. (later than me!). I told him he's becoming a party animal and needs to slow down, LOL!

Later, my dad looked me dead in the eye and said something to me he's never said before. “Matthew,” he said, “that was the best Father's Day I've ever had. You and Jeff are the best sons a dad could ever wish for. I'm so lucky you and your brother turned out to be so good. Your mother would be so proud of her boys.”

That was possibly the nicest thing my dad has ever said to me. It was one of those moments that make life so great. The whole experience was a great reminder about how good life can be. And I know it's an experience that my dad will never forget and always cherish!

You Are Noon

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You are upbeat, ambitious, and never at loss for energy.
You have a lot that drives you in life. The desire to be the best, and a secret hope of fame and power.
And while you definitely have a Type A personality, you are still fun to be around.
You have a ton of charisma and a genuine interest in others. You are adored by many.

What Time Of Day Are You?


You Are Coke

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A true original and classic, you represent the best of everything you can offer.
Just the right amount of sweet, just the right amount of energy... you're the life of the party.

Your best soda match: Mountain Dew

Stay away from biggrin r Pepper

What Kind of Soda Are You?


You Are Homer Simpson

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You're just an ordinary, all-American working Joe...

With a special fondness for pork rinds and donuts.

You will be remembered for: your little "isms" and philosophies on life

Your life philosophy: "Weaseling out of things is important to learn. It's what separates us from the animals ... except the weasel."

The Simpsons Personality Test


Your Birth Month is September

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Tolerant and inspirational, you are wise beyond your years.
You are universally sympathetic and a great humanitarian.

Your soul reflects: Devotion, light, and love

Your gemstone: Sapphire

Your flower: Morning Glory

Your colors: Brown and deep blue

What Does Your Birth Month Mean?


Maroon 5 Shares Your Taste in Music

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See their whole playlist here (iTunes required)

Which Musician (or Group) Shares Your Taste in Music?



Viewing 12 of 17 friends


AmberMarie's Thoughts and Other Stuff


Got alot of different things in here HEHE



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 04/24/2009 11:52 am


the hardy boyz RULE heart

Report | 05/02/2008 3:41 pm


hey your never on anymore

Report | 11/18/2007 5:45 am


OMG, you like never get on anymore at all do u? I didnt think so...

Report | 08/28/2007 4:20 am


omg where iyou get thast shoirt it is soooooooooooooooooo cool/

Report | 08/26/2007 1:03 pm


wats up

Report | 08/24/2007 4:20 am



Report | 08/23/2007 5:08 pm


Thank you for buying my item.

Report | 08/20/2007 4:42 pm


if your going for the jeff hardy look then why are you wearing the john cena hat, LOL. IT IS SO AWESONME!!!! even though it doesnt really match my outfit im wearing it anyways.

Report | 08/20/2007 3:23 pm


OMG! theres wwe themed stuff....i bet u LOVE EM

Report | 08/19/2007 5:10 pm


like my new look? I Do!! It was EXPENSIVE lol, anyway i think we havent been keeping in touch much have we?


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