
[For entertainment values, read this with a British Monty Python accent]
[took me almost half an hour to make this list]
Drink straight from the coffee creamer bottle,
Play video games,
Play on the computer,
listen to dirty songs,
pick my nose since no one should really give a damn
Wear nothing but under clothes and get around the apartment by Rolling on the floor,
Licking the carpet,
Stare at ppl through window blinds,
Not care if your pants fall off while taking out the trash
Emptying the candy jar and rolling in the candy (even if there's only like, three pieces left),
Going to FURN on Furcadia without my mum pointing out things like, "The Yiffy Manor", or "Furies gone wild" when I'm trying to go to the Slave Market 'cause thats where i hang out as she tries to find a way to get me off the comp,
Drawing pictures of "The Lie": girl I met on Furcadia who I simply adore, drawing pics of Flamebreon: dude I've known for almost an entire year on furcadia[For over a year]
Stuffing so much gum in my mouth I eventually look the exact replica of Kirby puffing himself up into a balloon like thing and flying into the air,
Playing with a beany doll and throwing it against the ceiling until the upstairs neighbors get pissed,
Getting to go on ALL the sights your friend's bring up on Furcadia without mum giving the lecture of naughty things on the enternet so you NEVER get to know what it was your friends were talking about that was so great about the site they brought up,
Stapling my shirt to the dresser then trying to pull it out using only the handle piece of a tooth brush,
Putting tape all over my fingers while trying to either clean my room or do the dishes,
Practicing my Shawn Conery voice in the kitchen cupboard over the sink,
actually doing the dishes, WHILE in the sink,
thinking of something new to say to greet your parent(s) when he/she/they walk through the door such as, *English accent* "How was work mum/pop? Nut to busy I 'ope, eh, eh? *Wink wink, nudge nudge* Know what I'm sayin' say no more, eh?",
melting any useless pieces of plastic by placing them on the nearest lamp (don't try Barbies, they leave a dreadful smell when you try to burn their face off),
Playing with matches (flicking the match so the fire comes up then dropping it on the bathroom floor then putting it out by smashing it with your mum's lotion),
finishing a jaw breaker before your guardian arrives,
Swearing as much as you like when you get your knee banged against the wall when trying to dash from the computer to the kitchen for top ramen,
Saying silly things then giggling to your self knowing no one is watching you or listening and if someone is, then they should know at least by now that you're mentally retarded,
trying to draw The Dark Mark upon one's left forearm then washing it off so your guardian doesn't realize what a HArRy PoTtEr freak you've turned out to be,
Climbing onto your top bunkbed then scraping your feet against the ceiling,
Aaaaaaaaaaand of course, being capable of finishing all of these things in one day or at least reading all of it without grinning or snickering to one's self.
[give yourself a pat on the back if you read all of this]



Viewing 12 of 24 friends


Captain's log

wee u peice of crap.

I'm wrtiging this becuase the great god of Cheese told me to or else smight me with his mighty cheddar.



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

leaving for good x_x

Report | 09/11/2007 7:32 pm

leaving for good x_x

Lol, awesome xD

ploz enjoy your diaurie-o-sketchuez?

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Jim Kinston

Report | 09/10/2007 9:00 pm

Jim Kinston

Raptor Jesus strikes again!

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leaving for good x_x

Report | 09/06/2007 2:59 pm

leaving for good x_x



That was awesome xD


okay im done...

YES and OMFG I was sitting in class... and the talky dude started talking about Bill Cosby and Jell-o pudding...

so I was LOLing...

and people were like

"******** crazy Emo Kid... wtf"????






> w <
Jim Kinston

Report | 09/03/2007 2:36 pm

Jim Kinston

*currently happy!*

Report | 08/29/2007 6:09 am


I ate your razors, YO!

SO that it would cut me on the inside.

Report | 08/28/2007 8:33 pm


You need to eat more.

Make yourself hungry!



Eat like...

My cat!!!

He has chubby!!!

Report | 08/28/2007 4:28 am


I am skinny.

Jordy can pick me up and she's a weakling!

(sorry Jordy if you ever read this comment ^^;; )

But I get yelled at to eat..

Because I kind of...



And you need to eat too!

Or I'll be jealous of your skinny

and go back to not eating



But please eat.

Jim Kinston

Report | 08/27/2007 8:09 pm

Jim Kinston

*currently feeling sorry for other peoples but not myself*

My brother's psychiatrist isn't listening to him any more.

He just nods and asks mum and dad what his child hood was like.

My brother: John: So um...I was considering commiting suicide this morning.

Shrink: Yeah.

John: ... Uh... my Step mom's a b***h.

Shrink: Yup.

John: I carved, 'More Human than Human' in my leg with a kitchen knife.

Shrink: That's nice. *probably doodling on his notepad*

To Vivi.

My best friend.

The Happy Place is being destroyed. T.T

The peoples are parting!

I am sorry to hear this.

I shall pray: Not like that has done anything for me or my demented family(I believe in nothing!)

And to Billy.

Who is about to get beat up by a very angry wanna be gangsta kid at our school.

At least the guy is shorter than him!

*but very mean*

That's all I can think of really.

I feel sorry for you all.

May magical pineapples that levitate and grant stupid wishes come your way to get inside your minds and whisper helpful advice!

Me So Gusta

Report | 08/22/2007 8:22 pm

Me So Gusta




Me So Gusta

Report | 08/22/2007 8:20 pm

Me So Gusta

I wish we had school....

Message to our school's faculty: ... GO TO WORK!!!!!! Dx

.... Okay! I hope you make more friends Jim-kun!




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