

Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

iSexual Weed

Report | 12/21/2010 8:02 am

iSexual Weed

whatever you say Sam.
and i don't really know which is easier.
iSexual Weed

Report | 12/20/2010 12:06 pm

iSexual Weed

in a whole trying to live of lumberjacks and coke.
Tea Bat

Report | 10/19/2010 3:16 pm

Tea Bat

What is your facebook..? D:
I havn't been able to get online for a while.. ; w ; pwease don't reject mee~~<3
Tea Bat

Report | 10/19/2010 1:23 pm

Tea Bat

/attempts to hug u ; o ;
Tea Bat

Report | 10/19/2010 1:12 pm

Tea Bat

Dude I'm sorry.. D:
Will you ever forgive meh? ; w ;
Tea Bat

Report | 10/18/2010 5:16 pm

Tea Bat

iSexual Weed

Report | 09/30/2010 1:24 pm

iSexual Weed

3, 2,1(:
iSexual Weed

Report | 08/19/2010 5:57 am

iSexual Weed

;D Aww so sweet. I love you too.
Oh, and I wanted to tell you
that I'm going to be out of town on a camping trip.
Hopefully I can get signal to call you so yea.
I'll talk to you when I can.

Love Tara. <33(:
iSexual Weed

Report | 07/17/2010 6:52 am

iSexual Weed

Yea you better love me Sam D:< Or else.
That still seems a bit hardcore but ok. and yay for March. :D <333
Umm yea kinda, cause like I won't have my laptop so I won't be on here...for a week. D:
So I will never know when to call you. But you can call me anytime c: Like during your break or something
and if I don't answer I might be sleeping or like on a roller coaster or daydreaming about you. :P
If any of that happens just leave a message after the Phineas and Ferb song. xD
I just realized that I am leaving to Orlando in like 1 hour so like yea...bye Sam.

Love You Sam <3333333333
iSexual Weed

Report | 07/14/2010 5:00 am

iSexual Weed

I can't have a limit for you Sam. >_<
Wtf another job. Don't kill yourself with this stress. D:
Umm when is your next day off? I am going to Orlando
next week for my first actual vacation. c: So yea.
I Love You Times Infinity Plus 1 <33333333


I'm a Boy!