JokePlaysPoker's avatar

Birthday: 04/05

s t a l k e r s


A N D R E W " A N D Y " W I L S O N

" Hey, I see you came to check out my profile again. Just face it. You love me. "

Andrew Emmerson Wilson
is what is written on my birth certificate. I've been livin' for fifteen years. Through those fifteen years my life hasn't been easy or perfect. I've had my ups and downs, my smiles and frowns and yet..I'm still loving my life and livin' it the way I want to. I've had much interest in boys. Let's just get to the point here. I'm gay. Don't like it, exit is right there I'm a unperfect happy young man. I'm not a masterpiece saying the wrong things at the wrong time, making horrible mistakes and hasn't had the best life.
I have two sisters, one is
K y l e e my step-sister, and the other one is A r i e l my blood sister. My sisters are awesome and so is my family. I love both my family and friends to death!
I love roleplaying, def
Y A O I and semi/elite/advanced-literate roleplays. Pm me if you wanna do one.
If you wanna talk okay! Pm me to do so

j o u r n a l

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