
instead of writing a whole paragreaph, im just gonna do a survey, so here goes:

name: lisa martinez-ford

b-day: feb. 20 1994

pet: dog, ozzie


current state: FL

candy: pay day, ya no the peanuts and peanut butter 1?

hardest class taking: AP european history

BFF: stephanie! (firewolfalchemsit)

siblings: 4

living wit: dad

dream occupation: vet

what age do u think being old is: when ur inactive

amazing thing about myself: ive had a headache twice in my entire life

was the question above false: no

do i lie: yes, but the question above realy was tru

my made up word: amaginzlyest

place 2 b: mexico city all the way!

collect butterflys: over my dead body

sugar spice and everything nice: ......no

what r u thinking of now: loster but ive never tried it

twilight: not the best, not the worst

most feared of: pain

buried or cremated: cremated 4 sure

do i think about death: of course i do, who hasnt?

fav food: shrimp biggrin

is it better 2 have loved and lost then never 2 have loved at all: yes

am i delerious: nope

will the person reading this be my friend: *no response*

do i feel alone in this world: nope

people think i: am depressed a little 2 much

do i agree: ya, i guess

funny fact: when you ask a question and they answer in a high pitched voice, then u no their lying

well, this is just about it, i love 2 pencil draw, play tennis, imrove at anything and everthing and my favorite thing 2 do is solve riddles, heres my all time favorite one:

the poor have it and the rich want it
it is greater than god and worse than the devil
it is seven letters long
if you eat it you will die
what is it?

if you want the answer, just pm me, luv ya

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Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 09/17/2009 2:48 pm


sure u can just get a funnel and its gonna be aalllright

Report | 09/17/2009 2:40 pm


so the only option is to buy 12 bottles and drink them all at once?

Report | 09/17/2009 2:30 pm


whine o.O??? thats for people that try to get drunk the cheap way XP

Report | 09/17/2009 2:17 pm


all teh alcohol just killed your state buds ... your such an alcaholic :O!!!

Report | 09/17/2009 1:53 pm


wellllll..... than you should :O... i gotta go to school from 8:30 till 3:30 than work from 4:00 till 9:00 than imma eat from 9:15 till 9:30.. thna imma come online n talk to you from 9:30 till 12:00 ... thats my scedual for tomorrow
how come you cant aste that o.O i mean its obvious XP i prefer the red ones and the white ones above the other colors XP

Report | 09/17/2009 1:44 pm


skipping school doesnt solve anything .. razz youll have to make the test eventually tho :O:O:O.. n yes i can XP can you XD???

Report | 09/17/2009 1:17 pm


well mine was ok .. didn''t had to do anything bad XP .. well still gto tons of homework but im waaay to lazy to make that o.O

Report | 09/16/2009 10:05 pm


jah this year and next year.. but i dont mind.. its a nice way to blow off some steam ^-^
n what we do isnt that bad.. wel baseball is it sucks a** what a dumb sport.. . cus some people do everything and some do nothing o.O
so how was ur day yesterday razz ? besides ur deram

Report | 09/15/2009 10:21 pm


craving it,, wow XD..btw.. dont you have PE o.O?? since everyday is the same?

Report | 09/14/2009 10:14 pm


caus they are always over crowded and they stink and the drive like their lives depend on them n everyone on the road gets puched a side just caus a bus wants to keep moving...
wel your b-day is in like 5 months razz that isnt that long razz
so how are you ?


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