Joseph Balin

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Shanarah Report | 11/26/2007 7:15 am
Thanks! I hope your Thanksgiving was nice too. I'm pretty good, been working almost full time so that's kept me pretty busy and away from the internet. XD I hope things calm down a bit for you soon. Losing touch with friends is never good. I got a new AIM SN so feel free to add me if I don't message you first. User Image It's Shanarah Arlyah.
Shanarah Report | 10/07/2007 9:34 am
Life's ok. They cut my hours again at work though. : Gamestop truely is one evil corporation. **sigh** I'm gonna hafta try to get a second job at the library or something while I search for something in my major.

Anyway, how're things on your end?
Shanarah Report | 08/31/2007 4:03 pm
My new apartment isn't as big as the other one, but it's still not bad. I have a nice sized bedroom and a huge living room, but there's very little storage space. But it's more convenient as I can walk to and from work now. I think I will finish DG within the next week. They're not giving me many hours at work and I'm pretty settled in now so it's a lot less hectic.

The three minute wait is terrible. It's driving me nuts too. Throwing balloons is worth it though cuz you get a lot of gold and a few items, the last is at 50 balloons thrown. I haven't been to towns to throw balloons yet, wonder if I can even get in. I joined Gambino since my fav character is Gino Gambino. XP Sarovanya's on Aekea with you.
Shanarah Report | 08/30/2007 6:43 pm
So your knee surgery went smoothly then? That's good. User Image

I'm pretty good. I was online a lot less once I went home because I had to share the connection with my brother and none of our routers worked right. I did manage to get an apartment though and I moved in on saturday. I'm back to crappy hours at work though now that I'm back in SC. **sigh** Guess I better find me something full time.

Did you join the water balloon fight yet?
Shanarah Report | 08/21/2007 10:49 am
You're welcome! ^.^ How've you been?
Sarovanya Report | 07/19/2007 7:19 pm
Thanks! User Image It still needs finishing though, missing a lot of shading yet and could possibly use some more of a background.
Shanarah Report | 07/18/2007 12:23 pm
Yeah, I have been a member for almost a year though. Met a lot of people fishing. User Image



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