Mah Me

Journeyman Healer's avatar

Last Login: 06/11/2016 4:24 pm

Registered: 06/06/2009

Gender: Female

Location: Here

Birthday: 05/18/1991

Occupation: Student

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wahmbulance NOTA BENE: wahmbulance
I'm not really on gaia that much anymore. ^^;; I sometimes get on zomg simply because i need the gold, but I'm just not into it like I used to be, sooooo........yeah. I do enjoy playing, but don't count on seeing me too often. >.<

Buff Smex

Speeding Along: A SEB Guild

So, if you're here we probably crewed together on zomg, and you were greatly impressed by my extreme awesomeness. Or perhaps you're a member of my clan or one of my guilds, and you are greatly impressed by my extreme awesomeness. Either way, you know that I am extremely awesome. And you are impressed. XD
I don't like to spend a lot of time on profiles, because I never know what to say, but..... oh well. I should probably put something here, right?

Name: Ruth.......the Magnificent. But here on Gaia, I answer to Healer, or Journ, or Journey, or Journeyman .... if you feel like typing that.

Age: Eh, don't care if you know this. I'm 20. ^_^

Country: USA

Other stuff: Hmmmm. Lessee.... well. I am in teh awesomest clan evar (Buff Smex), and I tend to crew with my clanmates (or whatever you call them) a lot. I also crew with people from both of my guilds, Speeding Along: A SEB Guild and the other one ... which is secret. >: o
I try to post what server I'm on in my status, generally speaking.

Lessee, what else.....okay. I am:
>>>>a vegetarian
>>>>a friend. If you've got problems — and that means anything at all either online or in real life — TALK TO ME BETCHES D<
>>>>a crafter (just about everything but sewing-type stuffs :b)
>>>>a bookworm (mostly fantasy, but I also read other stuff sometimes)
>>>>an otaku
>>>>um......sorry, I think I'm out of stuff. I'm really not that interesting. :3
>>>>I lied. I am also a musician! Piano since age 8, and voice all my life.
>>>>That is all. Hooray!

mah favourite quotes :D

"Speechless, castaway and wry, a spellbound oddity am I.
My feet are planted in the clay, my gaze is locked upon the sky."
— Cecilia Dart-Thornton, The Ill-Made Mute

"The wide world is all about you: you can fence yourselves in, but you cannot forever fence it out.
— J.R.R. Tolkein, The Fellowship of the Ring

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."
— George Santayana

"The only training for the heroic is the mundane."
— Edmund Burk

"Our chief want in life is somebody who shall make us do what we can."
— Ralph Waldo Emerson

"The very difficulty of a problem evokes abilities or talents which would otherwise, in happy times, never emerge to shine."
— Horace

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go."
— Joshua 1.9, ESV

"I have faith in my star — that is, that I am intended to do something in the world."
— Winston Churchill

mah Comments

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ninjahedgehog6 Report | 08/15/2016 5:53 pm
It's awkward, after 5 years of not using Gaia I come on by, check my friend list to see who the hell still logs in....... problem is I DON'T REMEMBER WHO HALF THESE PEOPLE ARE!!!!
Yvetta Yellow Jacket Report | 07/08/2012 11:47 am
Yvetta Yellow Jacket
Thanks for buying ^^
Controversial Conformity Report | 05/18/2012 9:09 am
Controversial Conformity
Happy Birthday emotion_bigheart
wolf1moons Report | 04/07/2012 1:54 pm
BLAHLALALALALALALALALALALALALA*music note* emotion_awesome and sparkly shtuff x3 gaia_diamond gaia_diamond gaia_diamond gaia_diamond gaia_diamond

emotion_kirakira oooh now ani't that pretty xD
Hoezay Haduken Report | 01/22/2012 2:28 am
Hoezay Haduken
hey if u lost my number u can reply on my page ill send it to u, so u kno yeah :]
Hoezay Haduken Report | 01/16/2012 4:15 pm
Hoezay Haduken
wouldnt kill u to give me a ring or send me a text u kno :[
i didnt just disapear x.x
wolf1moons Report | 10/17/2011 4:05 pm
NANNY!!!!!!!!! biggrin xD
ii Stuka-chan ii Report | 10/12/2011 8:41 am
ii Stuka-chan ii
Tnks for buy
TigerLilyChick Report | 10/12/2011 8:28 am
Thank you for your purchase from the Marketplace. Have a nice day!
wolf1moons Report | 09/23/2011 6:39 pm
you know you still ow me a hug...xD


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Quotes of AWESOME

I love quotations because it is a joy to find thoughts one might have, beautifully expressed with much authority by someone recognized wiser than oneself. - Marlene Dietrich

Mah Stalkers

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Unable to identify Vimeo video URL.

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Hoezay Haduken
llThe Fallen Starll
Selena Vitalia
Carmi of the 7th Order
Sexually Playful
Journeyman Healer
General Moose3452

<-----mah darling sibs <3


does that say 'porn'? because we
meant.........uh......... 'corn'. definitely.

mah bestest buds <3




I do not like spamming people with music, so if you want to listen, you will have to click <3

mah darling clan <3