Here's my story, I guess

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So, yeah. My name's Sour Cream. I'm a DJ. I've gotten a few hits at some of the local raves in Beach City, and I've even hosted a few raves before. They're pretty sweet. Aside from chilling, you'd probably catch me up at a rave DJing, or you know, raving. I spend a lot of my time on social media, games and stuff like that, too. I got some pretty cool friends online, some of them have even attended the raves I DJ'd at.

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When I'm not by myself, I'm probably hanging out with Buck and Jenny. They're by far my closest friends. We do like everything together. Well I mean, when I'm not DJing, Jenny's not working and Buck's not making art. We're pretty tight.

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Recently, we kind of hit it off with this other cool cat named Steven. He's pretty rad. He's a lot younger than us, but he's like really mature for his age. Like he's his own mom, and parental figures are usually pretty mature.

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But yeah, he's super cool, and I think it's awesome he started spending time with us. I think Buck and Jenny feel the same way, honestly. I mean he's really nice, he's really great at like talking to people and he's definitely not judgmental. Like we can all just chat about whatever, and he can just hop in. That's really awesome. I don't want to let Steven hog the dance floor here, because Jenny and Buck definitely deserve some solos, too. Jenny's like wicked sweet. And I mean wicked in like the evil way. She's got this like title over her twin sister where she's got to be the evil twin, and I think that's pretty awesome in a unique kind of way. She's like super pretty, and she's always down for hanging out and doing stuff. I probably wouldn't like hang out with them half as much if Jenny wasn't setting things up for us to go chill some place. She's pretty outspoken, but she's a good listener, too. Overall, Jenny's just basically stunning and amazing. Buck's really awesome, too. Like he gets where I come from with the dad stuff. I mean, it's a little different, I guess since he's like the Mayor's son, but I think he still gets me pretty well. He's like way chill, and his cool vibes are off the charts. If I had to put him on a cool scale I don't know if the scale could handle his branch of cool. He's really free-spirited, and he gets me on a creative level, too. Sometimes he makes shirts for me to give out during raves. He's really reliable like that. He's also pretty handsome. Like, his hair is way cool. And his threads are really great. To top it all off Buck's just a really cool and handsome guy.

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Man, this was suppose to be about me, but I guess I got sidetracked by talking about my friends. I guess you could say this just informs you I'm like really into my friends. I mean, like. They're important to me and stuff. Which I mean they are. Raves would be pretty boring if I had to do them over and over without running into any of those guys in between, you know?

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But I mean, they're not like the only people in my life. I've got my step-dad, and my little brother. Well. He's my half-brother, but that doesn't really matter. My step-dad and I kind of have a bumpy relationship. He doesn't know how to step off my grill about being a fisherman. I mean, obviously Onion's more interested than I am. I already got gigs going for my DJing, and he still doesn't have any confidence in me. It's like dad, just let me be a DJ, ok? Can't you be proud that I'm doing something that I actually like doing? I mean, I guess maybe he's just like scared I could take some type of wrong turn and lose credibility as a DJ, but I've like never wanted to be a fisherman. Those raincoats are just wretched, man. I bet if Mom were still here she'd have no problems with me being a DJ. Then again, I guess maybe if she were Dad wouldn't be so stuck up in my business about it, either.

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I can't not talk about Onion, if I'm going to be talking about people. He can be pretty bratty, but he's a cool little bro. I don't think a lot of people get him, really. Some of my friends get wigged out around him, for some reason? But like, he doesn't really have Mom like I did. So, my step-dad's all the real like full bloodline connection he's got. I know bloodline's not like everything, but I'm definitely no parental figure, and my step-dad's the best thing Onion gets to that.

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Still, he is my one and only little brother. And I mean, my mom would want me to look out for him, so I try to do what I can for the little guy. He's pretty independent, though. Which I guess makes things a little easier since I've got my DJing now, and Dad's for boring fisherman work. He still goes and plays in the arcade a lot, and sometimes I stop by to play with him. We used to play arcade games like all the time. I might be busy a lot, but if it's for Onion I'd probably drop everything if he really needed me to. He deserves that from someone at least.

Anyways, I think that's everything I can really say about myself. Though really I guess I just rambled a lot. If you want to catch one of the raves I'm DJing at hit me up, I could probably get you some sweet goods from the event if you really want me to.

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