
* -)�||TRUE ST0RY Y0 ; iM ME -- N0 M0RE orr N0 lESS ; S0 DNT C0MPARE ME T0 [[ANY BODY]] ElSE ! D0ES ME 365 DAYS A YEAR. DNT FxCKS WiT T0O MANY FEMAlES CUZ females r like pennies 2 faced,worthess,n dirty and DEY END UP BEiN FAKER DEN DEY DAMN WEAVE {REAl TAlK] ! DEPiSES BxTCHES DAT SWEAR DEY BE 0N DEY [GR0WN WOMAN] BUT STill BE 0N DEY {ElEMENTARY SHxT]. C0UlD GiVE A DAMN WH0 liKES ME && WHO D0ESNT--NEWSFlASH--BxTCH ; iM N0T 0N DiS EARTH T0 PlEASE Y0 Axx !! DNT liKE WUT iM SAYiN D0 ME && Y0SElF A FAV0R && H0P 0FF A FxCKiN BRiDGE =] Wait ah damn min. imma remix dis s**t .i'M FEELiN MySELF,Y0U SH0ULD BE T00. name;x lee asia.last name bonner A.K.Asia boo. yall hoes should knoe cus it stay sayin it; aqe dn;t matter, cus ido qrown woman thinqs;x. i;m {Engaged so dnt as my mom says "try ta holla" lol. ha} ??? mOnEy$$Is My LiFe?, BeSTfRiend; b0O tHANg 4 liFE; Babie ; hahahaha <3 iMa bL0W YaLL MiNd fARthER thEN a hAiR dRyER C0ULd EVEN dREAM 0f d0iNg! 7th GrAdEr?; qhot it? qood. kind of a biq DEAL. conceited? NO its;x confidence. ain;t my fault if yu ain;t qot none. naa , i;m not purfect. . . cus purfect thinqs;x are plastic. |& baybee, ain;t s**t plastic this way. bereal! i;m honest to the point that its;x taken? as bn mean. srry yu broads ;x are so fraqile. ifcks;x wit a limited number of chicks;x. cus females are queer. |& da bitchs;x ifcks;x w/ are top of the line , check my topZ :] alotta chicks;x dn;t like me . they think i;m stuck up...WR0NQ. i just know im better then yooh :] ihate liars;x . "biters;x" . lames;x . yu catch;n my drift;x. fAkEs?;jOckerz & By DAh Way Dnt Jock My s**t its © copyright. 2003-2009 .;&& dONT tHINK yOU fIXINA cOPY&pASTE mY aBOUT mE sEcTiOn;] i dn;t care what yu OR the broad behind yu say about me, cus reqardless im doinq mee its;x ah new YR, . buh i;m still gonna be the same chick..... but at the END of the day im g00d;; untill next time im out;; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Awsom-Er TestER 1.) you trip on your own foot sometimes 2.) when your computer turns off suddently you dont turn it back on because your too lazy 3.) The reason you havent stop reading this is because your waiting for something retarted to happen 4.) you'd rather look all over the house for the remote instead of just pushing the button on the tv 6.) You've benn yelled at by your teacher and your proud of it 7.) you read this list, & keep nodding and smiling 8.) as you read this list, you think about sending it to all your friends 9.) and you were too busy to notice number 5 10.) you actually scrolled back up to check that there was a number 5 11.) and now you're laughing at your stupidity 12.) Put this on your page if you got owned, and you know you did "He handed her a dozen roses 11 real ones 1 fake one. He told her he would love her til the last rose died."