
I'm a homeschooling mom of 5. I used to be active here, but...um...I haven't been on here in YEARS. I only logged on because my sister complained about my very broken TekTek profile sweatdrop

We'll see how active I am now! (Spoiler: probably not very. My sister will likely log in to do dailies and stuff for me instead rofl )

New profile CSS by my awesome sister heart


Remind me to update my interests.



Kaelira's avatar

Last Login: 09/20/2024 11:42 pm

Registered: 04/18/2004

Gender: Female

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Towns 3 Report | 11/21/2023 8:06 pm
Towns 3
Hey nice coco kitty.
DeleteMeHard Report | 12/24/2007 5:08 pm
Merry Christmas
DeleteMeHard Report | 11/15/2007 10:58 pm
right, have you decided on a name yet? if you told me i forgot.............sue me. oh also call me when you have your computer up and running so i can help you finally get avatar, watching avatar......on thanksgiving break........sigh......fun. i wanted to watch all the new episodes with you...jerks...but its seems thats not possible for now so enjoy them without me this time. tell john hes awesome, as usual, same to you sara.
Kariana Greywers Report | 11/15/2007 12:28 pm
Kariana Greywers
Hooray for cuter hair and adorable wings!
AmiliaBlack Report | 07/06/2007 6:12 am
Hi! It's Marie from LJ!!!! I requested to be your friend here!!! ^.^
Kariana Greywers Report | 02/01/2007 6:36 pm
Kariana Greywers
Haha, I bought you your dress and ears! ^_^
DeleteMeHard Report | 01/26/2007 6:14 pm
Hello, coming over yet?
Kariana Greywers Report | 01/21/2007 3:59 am
Kariana Greywers
*poke* I remember you telling me you added a TekTek theme, but I hadn't actually looked until now. It's cute (although a bit too pinkish for my tastes ^_^).
Fullmetalkitty Report | 01/05/2007 7:28 pm
where did u get the cool back round I want it
DeleteMeHard Report | 10/08/2006 2:29 pm
Have a nice life with my bro!


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Kariana Greywers

See? My little sister!