
~Letter lotto trivia!~
Last updated 11/28/06 for letter lotto #17 (our Valentine special)!

Our first lotto? The first letter lotto was opened in August of 2005, on the 13th. It was only for five hundred tickets and for four donation letters and took twelve days to complete. o.o It was five hundred pages long, and many of regulars actually stemmed from that little trial and error one.

The fastest lotto? Our 13th lotto was finally the one to beat last years Christmas lotto. September's 2006 lotto sold out in 7 hours, 35 minutes! Half of our regulars never even got to see it before it was over! Unbelievable! That's why it pays to be on the mailing list, but even then, watch out!

Most pages? Our June lotto, number ten, reached 1,165 pages before being finished! That's a lot of page prizes! We've just recently gotten our first 1,000 page prize.

Most bumps in one lotto? That honor goes to Shouyosei, who managed 5,175 in our June 2006 lotto. o.o She beat her last record by almost two thousand!!

Other interesting trivia?

Want to talk points of pride? Out of our first thirteen completed contests, one very determined person has one the 1st place bumping prize -every- time! Shouyosei makes it a point to be in the lotto nearly 24/7 when they are running and hasn't been beaten yet for that top spot! And that's even during one month where she was in the middle of a move and STILL won. Feel up to a challenge? Well, too bad. The bumping queen retired during after the thirteenth lotto. She had accomplished somewhere over 15,000 bumps by then, and it was a well earned retirement. You'll still see her peeking in though!

Our letters are bought by one very loyal lotto helper, and have been from the beginning. He is one of the true 'Heeros' behind the letter lotto's success.

The bumping contest is a huge part of our success and prizes, and that section's info was controlled primarily through the help of Duo, who is also responsible for nearly all of our beautiful banners. Occasionally, others have assisted with counting the bumps, and that includes Shouyosei the bumping queen herself, our sponser Heero, and the busy Quatre himself.

Our lotto likely never would have made it past lotto one if not for some serious support, and then on, it was always the loyal few who came back that kept things cranking. The real reason for us doing as many as we have is because of special friends, like Trowa, Duo, Heero, Shouyosei, Overlord Shadow, and Tokito.

At this point in time, we've given out 138 letters as prizes in these lottos! o.O That's $354.50 in actual cash! As for gold? We've given out a total of 477,100!!! Also about 100k in item prizes!!!

This is our list of current (and hopefully happy) grand prize winners! In the orders of our actual lottos, too.
1st: Shouyosei
2nd: sweet=_=GUY
3rd: Florasent
4th: Tokito Minoru (Christmas Lotto!!)
5th: Cyanis
6th: Riku Drinkhenn
7th: Overlord Shadow (Shadow actually won on his birthday in an awesome twist of fate!)
8th: Organica
9th: Duo_lolly
10th: Forbidden_Requiem (Our June Super Special!)
11th : Shouyosei (our very first repeat winner!)
12: Exquisite Pink (Our one year anniversary lotto!)
13: Pierced Princess
14: Winteriny
15: Duo_Lolly
16: LynnDragon (Christmas Lotto!)
17: Kihari

Got a question about the lotto you want answered here, or something you think is worth noting? Mail me. ^_^

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Or if you want to join the mailing list and be alerted each month the day a new lotto starts, just send a friends request to this account!


Viewing 12 of 28 friends


Viewing 10 of 13 comments.


Report | 12/03/2008 11:18 pm


Wha' happen'? (miss you...)

Report | 08/30/2007 11:25 am


when is there going to be another lotto?

I miss it.

Report | 04/13/2007 12:10 pm


I'm Happy!

Report | 03/23/2007 8:42 pm


Spiffy Lombardo

Report | 02/10/2007 10:06 am

Spiffy Lombardo

I like your avatar. 3nodding

Report | 02/07/2007 8:06 pm


Riku Drinkhenn

Report | 12/25/2006 10:14 pm

Riku Drinkhenn

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Happy Holidays!

Report | 11/28/2006 10:47 am


Wooo. Updated again. o.o Our prize numbers are getting high!

Report | 11/12/2006 11:24 pm


Wow. o.o People are actually posting on here. Aww! Thanks guys!

Report | 10/05/2006 9:50 pm


I heart lottos.