
Kai_wolf_666's avatar

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Gulli_Ishtar Report | 08/05/2008 12:33 pm
Have you...died?

...You've just like...gone. OH yes. I remember...You've gone and got yourself a 'social life'

BLAH. Poppycock. Youre just avoiding me. I know it. Don't deny it.
vsv2000goton Report | 07/10/2008 11:09 am
RANDOM COMMENT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Stoner Sensei Report | 04/07/2008 5:59 pm
Stoner Sensei
hey add me
Gulli_Ishtar Report | 03/11/2008 1:24 pm
JUst thought I'd pop in a comment for no reason at all ^_^
madisonleejane Report | 02/26/2008 12:47 pm
hi User Image xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
jessica2f131952 Report | 01/22/2008 9:18 am
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
koi_luver28 Report | 11/27/2007 10:48 am

Vampire Vickie Report | 10/27/2007 12:24 pm
Vampire Vickie
Hehe, yeah. Cant live /out my humor. And thanks.

User Image Meow! hehe Ima kitty!
Vampire Vickie Report | 10/26/2007 8:14 am
Vampire Vickie
lol. oks. Just cheaking to see if you're breathing. *poke poke* Yup! He's ALIVE!!! lol
Vampire Vickie Report | 10/07/2007 3:34 am
Vampire Vickie
Hey. Long time since I've talked to you hasnt it?


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heya!! well.. nice to meet yooouw!! well, im into heavy metal.
and im a proud member of the dark classes (goth emo etc)
ignorant people who insult me get on my nerves, i get annoyed quite easily, im loving, energetic, and aparently "a pretty fun guy"
and, id just like to point out, thankyou for reading this =]

Awakening a plea for vengence: these are the chapters! if your interested, read it in order!XD its alot better that way!

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The chronicles of Kai: Awakening a plea for vengence: the chapters (PLEASE READ)

hey, im terry. As you may already know, im a wannabee-author because of this ive already started writing my first book, PLEASE CHECK IT OUT! its in here! XD read the chapters, they rock aparently. please comment. I REALY WANT TO FIND OUT A PUBLIC


"Reaver" in wolf form!


"Reaver" in wolf form!

"Reaver" in wolf form!



skies darken and kunai fall as i turn deamon!

druid wolf form! (grr)

Kai : my rp char!!!

my roleplay charicter:
Kai is an emotionally insecure shadow druid.
the reason to why he is emotionally insecure is this, he has seen things which could bring anyone to tears.
at a young age of 15 he found his sister clewn in half,by a kitsume blade infront of his very eyes by someone he doesnt even know,due to the fact that they were hooded.

after hours of agonising crying over the body of his hopelessly dead sister he returned home, only to realise his father was missing and his mother lay dead on her bed.

he is so torn up from his experiences that he turned to the druidic arts in order to help him get over his memories by detaching from everyone else.
however, in becoming a druid, he gathered the aspect of shadow due to his emotionaly torn up and supressed state.
sadly, due to this a semi-immortal shadow deamon has bound itself to him. the only good news in this is he gives Kai enourmous amounts of shadow mana.
the bad news is Reaver (the deamon)apears whenever Kai is unconteous. Raining anarchy across any in his path, Reavers goal is to end all life, even his own when he has to.
this makes Kai worse as his deamon makes him ashamed of himself, making him supress his feelings into depression and lacking social skills , meaning he's allways detached from society.
beind a druid, he constantly changes form. However because he knows barely anything about the druidic arts, he can only change into a wolf.

sadly, due to Reaver apearing when Kai is inactive, kai cannot rest. he cannot sleep, cannot dream, and cannot fall unconteous. if any of these happen (thank god its rarely) Reaver will drift into Kai and shroud the world in evil once again.

To this day he reads constantly when he has time. he reads, books on the druidic arts, shadow tomes and books on possesion. sadly he has never found out how to destroy Reaver.

Kai's experiences: he has become attached to barely few people in his quiet antisocial state. one of these is Xabeir, a vampire of which has given him alot of happy times in his dull sad life, and allso helps keep reaver at bay.
however in his experience, being part wolf and druid. he has been bitten by vampires many times. especialy by xabeir and numourous others.
the only way to tell a vampire is by their fangs. but Kai already had large fangs by being part wolf spirit (Reaver). because biting usualy turns people to vampires. and Kai has been bitten alot by friend and foe alike. How can he tell if he is a creature of the night or not?

Kai's experiences: so far Kai has been bitten by many vampires and has seven vampire fang scars in his neck from the amount of times he's been bitten. but he still isnt sure if he is a vampire or not due to the wolf aspect in him. Kai has allso been gifted with a type of fire which apears at will. however he doesnt know how to master it yet so it is pretty useless. Kai allso knows how to summon shadow kunai, and multiple objects from mere shadow. allso he can create darkness. this will be updated the more that happens to him.