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"It's an Aventurine," you said. As you looked up to see who you selected, you felt a breeze of wind rush by you. Looking around you noticed that Kakashi, who had been standing by the wall next to Iruka, was gone. You walked slowly over to the door of the closet; you were a bit reluctant to open the door at first, because after all, he was your sensei. It seemed almost wrong to you even though, and you would never admit this to anyone else, but you did have a bit of a crush on him.
You opened the door to see Kakashi standing in the middle of the room. You walked inside and closed the door. You simply stood there for a moment, not exactly sure what to do.
"We don't have to do anything just so you know," He said.
"I know that" you said, trying not to sound disappointed. You two spent the next few minutes doing nothing but standing in the room. You were tired of standing and decided to sit down, and just as you did, Kakashi was suddenly right in front of your face. Your eyes widened and suddenly your stomach was in knots. Was he really planning on kissing you? You thought. You got your answer after that thought.
"Unless you find it inappropriate" he said, pulling down the mask from his face. All you could bring yourself to do was shake your head, this was the first time you had ever even seen his entire face. However, before you could give that another thought, you felt his lips upon yours. It was a soft kiss, and surprisingly gentle. You wrapped your arms around his neck, to let him know that weren't the least bit uncomfortable. Apparently he got the message, because he then began to bite at your upper lip. You knew instantly what he wanted, and you willingly allowed his tongue to enter your mouth. It was absolutely amazing, he was an excellent kisser.
As if that wasn't good enough, you began you feel his hands travel up your legs and make their way up your shirt. You quivered at this a bit. Then, suddenly his lips parted from yours. He then began kissing your neck. His hands were still under your shirt, caressing you stomach slowly. He was beginning to kiss more harshly and faster than before. He was sucking on your neck a bit as well. You moaned quietly at this, making Kakashi pleased with himself. You knew this because he was being even rougher than just a moment before.
He suddenly ripped off your shirt and threw it to the side. Then he gently, but rather quickly, got you onto the floor of the closet. He was kissing your stomach repeatedly and ran his fingertips up your inner thighs. You couldn't help but moan somewhat loudly while he did this, you figured they could hear you outside, but you couldn't have cared less at that point. His mouth was on yours again and he was kissing you intensely. You couldn't help yourself at that point, you allowed your hands to crawl up under his shirt, and you were tracing his, rather large, muscles.
Then, without any kind of warning, you noticed the door to the closet begin to swing open. Almost instantly, Kakashi was off of you and had put your shirt back on for you, at an inhuman-like speed. Revealing nothing more that what appeared to be you and Kakashi sitting on the floor of the closet, playing cards. Where he got the cards from, you had no idea, nor did you really care.
"Are you kidding me, what the hell? I could've sworn I heard moaning coming from in here!" Naruto yelled, disappointed that he couldn't catch you two doing something.
"Well, Naruto, I guess you still have more training to do" said Kakashi plainly. "Yeah, you need some help with you hearing skills," you said, chuckling a bit.

If you have any questions/comments/requests for this quiz, feel free to message me!

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`~*Kakashi*~`You yawn and pick out a sheet and see that there is a yellow dot in the middle. "Yellow!" You call out. Nobody moves but I go ahead and put you in the closet. "Umm...Hello. Anyone in here?" You ask with your hands extended. "Right here." Kakashi says as he takes your hands and pulls you towards him. "Kakashi-sen--" You're cute off by a finger placed on your lips. "Hang on..." He says as he pulls down his mask. *Holy crap....He-he pulled off his mask!! I thought I'd never--* Your thought was interrupted by his lips upon yours. You couldn't resist the tenderness of his kiss as you melted into his arms. Your hands played with his smooth silver hair as his went to your waist and held you tight. The intense make out session continued for what seemed like forever. Until I busted in. "OoOoOohhhhh! I knew you two would get it on!" And in a puff of smoke you both vanished out on to the rooftop and spent the rest of the night together.`~*The Following Day*~`Well since you both spent the night together why don't you let your mind wander to where you want it to about the following day. ^_-

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yo come here and buy!

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You are like the stars, shining brilliantly in the night. Those who know you are few, but they stand in awe of your undertanding.Those who have first met you find hope in you.No one knows how distant you truly are.Itachi sees you as a mystery he must solve.Pein wants you because he sees you as the thing he cannot have.Zetsu and you don't have to speak in order to understand one another.Tobi fears that you may see through his disguise.

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please come and buy!Your Mood is a 8

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You're definitely having a pretty good day. It could be better, but not a lot better!

How Does Your Mood Rate?


User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.You Are a Centaur

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In general, you are a very cautious and reserved person.
However, you are also warm hearted, and you enjoy helping others in practical ways.
You are a great teacher, and you are really good at helping people get their lives in order.
You are very intuitive, and you go with your gut. You make good decisions easily.

What Mythological Creature Are You?

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Your Kissing Purity Score: 83% Pure

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You've hardly ever been kissed

But the kisses you've given are very missed

Kissing Purity Test


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User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.its true
if u buy some thing from my store ur actually making me more happy!
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You Are 48% Emo

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You're not emo, but you're plenty thoughtful, unique, and even a little angsty.

Are You Emo?


oh yeah bye somthin!
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Love Interest

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kakashigirlfav's avatar

Last Login: 03/29/2009 6:57 pm

Registered: 03/15/2007

Gender: Female

please dont stop the music!


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<3 <3 <3

extreme hard rockness!


View All Comments

scorpion012 Report | 10/25/2008 2:44 pm
Oh, you do. Can I have the username or can you add me to your new one and thanks ^ ^
Your parenting sucks Report | 09/10/2008 6:31 pm
i has no idea ._. who is you?
scorpion012 Report | 08/03/2008 8:05 pm
Hey, its been awhile. Kind of too long

How are you doing?
iMisheru0069 Report | 07/11/2008 10:14 pm

Then Again So Is My Bf. xD


~Random? You Have NO IDEA.~

Kinda Saw Your Name On A friend Of A friend Thing(:
awsometothemax Report | 03/29/2008 7:24 pm
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kakashigirlfav Report | 03/25/2008 7:13 pm
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thanx for commenting i love you all!
X_BubbLe_LovEr_X Report | 03/23/2008 2:28 pm
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The Lone Ronin Report | 03/20/2008 2:04 pm
it is funny, that it is
C RRR E A M Report | 03/20/2008 1:54 pm
thanks User Image

whole your page are full with hot guys

and u know what --- I LOVE IT ! :]
EnErGiZeR_bUnNi3 Report | 03/19/2008 10:34 pm

thank you.


its too late to apologize!

achmed and funny dude!


brthe ending is the best part! X3


i kept pleding ur name but got no awnser i gave u the signs and still no anwser u ignored me yet i try and i try now i cant find u why o why? THE END!yes i wright sad poems!cuase im EMO LIKE THAT!

my friends say i look like sora.

ok who thinks this guy is hot!SAY I!



i love him!

i love her!

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go monkey!go monkey!go monkey!

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Kakashi is so NOT bringing sexy back <dramatic pause=""> ...He invented sexy ^_^</dramatic>

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comment this video and any other videos i have!please and thank u!

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~Sasuke~"Orange," you said. You looked at Naruto, but he didn't stand up. Out of the corner of your eye you saw Sasuke stand up. 'Sasuke?' you thought. 'He picked orange? How weird.'You walked into the closet. Sakura looked upset, but it was the rules and she wanted to play the game. 'Seven minutes' she mouthed to you. 'Okay.' you mouthed back. The closet, of course, was pitch black."You're not a fangirl are you?" Sasuke asked. You couldn't tell from where. You looked around and finally you could make out his figure. "Nope," you said walking to the opposite wall. You sighed. This was going to be really boring."Good," he said. He sounded like he was close. You looked around you, but you were in a dark closet. There was no way you would be able to tell where he was now. "Looking for me?" he was to your left. You spun towards him."Why are you so close?" you asked. You were a little upset."How can I kiss you from over there?" he asked. You didn't know what to say. You just stood there speechless. You felt his warm lips on yours. You kissed back immediately. His arms went around your waist and your arms went around his neck. The kiss lasted a few minutes. You guys pulled away just as Sakura opened the door. Her eye was twitching. You knew she wanted to kill you."Time's up," she said. Ino's jaw had dropped. Naruto folded his arms. He was upset you had kissed Sasuke. You guys went back to your seats and the game went on. You laughed when Sakura got Lee and Ino got Kankurou.After the party Sasuke asked you out and you CALMLY said yes. Sakura and Ino want to kill you, but they are your friends and they want you to be happy. Even if you're happy with the guy they love. They'll have to deal with it.-Hope you enjoyed it. I know I made Ino and Sakura actually nice. I just didn't want to waste my time writing about them fighting and trying to kill you. XP

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