get to know a girl

i am 16 years old , with so many things to worry about , a girl with hopes and dreams ; i am a girl wondering what will happen today and tomorrow , a girl who believes happiness is a myth ; and that's only because it is , a girl who thinks the wieght of the world is on her shoulders , a girl who doesn't want to open up to the world , familia , friends , but she does , a girl who cares way to much of what people think of her ; a girl with a heart of gold , a girl who can't cook for s**t ! a girl who doesn't mean to be rude , a girl who you will always remember ; or one that you will eventually forget but its okay .

hackkedd: this maaa' bestie Carina's page being hackked by her bestie Brittanya! well, Carina and i met in pre-school; we didn't get along but it all changed, we always, always hang out at my house and eat chips and dip, haha; we watch WHITE CHICKS. haha, we always have each others back no matter what the problem be, she's the kind of person to make you feel BEAUTIFUL and that your WORTH something, she can put or try to put a smile on your face; Carina is a person that should be cherished, never ever be used or taken for granted, she's a blessing and i'm lucky to have her in my life, the quiero nina; eres mi razon de sonreir? haha smile. -sorry-
i <3 this amazing whore!