Meeee - ow...

Favorite Movies
Survive Style 5+
Pulp Fiction
Aeon Flux (...and I don`t mean that horrible movie with Charlize Theron which has nothing to do with the original MTV Oddities masterpiece, I mean it`s like you`d make a movie with Arnold Schwarzenegger as The Maxx!!!
Oh...but before I go on to complain about today`s movieculture I just stop and say:) ...and maaaaaaaaaaaaaaany more...Really! I got a pretty long list of movies and cartoons I truly adore!

Favorite Reads
TANK GIRL RULZ!!! Who doesn`t know what I mean shouldn`t read it !!!
Books by Michael Ende
"White Niggers" by Ingvar Ambjoernsen
All sequels of "The Hitchhiker`s Guide to the Galaxy" by Douglas Adams

Favorite Music
Oh, to many to mention all...
System of a Down
The Pixies
Ahm...Classical music, Psytrance, Psyrock, Electropunk, Punkrock, TripHop, HipHop, Dub, Raggea and everything which sounds good to me!

Same like the rest...too much too much too much...little insider...
But to denude every facet of my personality...
Acrobatics, handicraft, astrophysics, painting and drawing, languages, spiritualism (some call it esoterism) and so on and so on...