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rather take a gander? l revel yourself l read my thoughts l sharing is caring l befriend me?

no words don't add up to who you truly are ♥

Jasmin (재스민) · 16 years old · Asian, Korean&Filipino ·
· Birthday is December 29 · Student of Clearfield High ·
Committed to Austin Johnson, since April 4, 2011 ♥
~Video Gamer · Pokémon Trainer · Artist · Daydreamer~
I am who I am, a person with no false characteristics.
Real, a real person with feelings&organs, and what
other things. I am unique, unchangeable by others,
random, weird, and dorky. But, I am still me. I will be
what you make me out to be. I am but, an individual.


Talk to me to get to know me(:
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Cell: [ask for it P:]


I love random friend requests, messages, &comments.
I love making new friends 3nodding
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[ Even the little memories, create a great perfect picture <3 ]


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