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Lurfs//Anime, Manga, Milfu, Keme, Kumori, Ven, Dolly, Soda, Candy, Music, Games, MSN, Gaia, The Medic Droid, Youtube, & You! <3
Hates//Naruto, KuroXFai, RyouXLettuce, PieXLettuce, TohruXKyo, Being Lied To, Begging Noobs, My Brother, & Lotsa Other Stuff.
Colors//Black, Green, Red, Pink, & Silver
Has//3 Cats, A Silver iPod, No Life, & An Obsession With Tsubasa
Youtube//EmoSakura, TsubasaBreakdown, KiraShirogane

That`s Me! Feel Free To Add Me, IF You Are Gonna Actually Talk To Me.

↓Important Persons↓

. *=♥Keme-Kun♥=* .
I`ve Known This Beast Since Second Grade, And Have Liked Him Since Second Grade, And Have Loved Him Since Second Grade. In Other Words... I`m His Stalker/Rapist/Fangirl. Our Friendship Has Been Strained Alot. xD Seriously. I Had To Move And I Couldn`t Go To The School That He Went To Anymore, Then I Lost Contact With Him, Then Found Out He Moved To Texas, Then He Dated One Of My Friends And Sorta Tuned Me Out And Here We Are. O.o Talking On Msn Non Stop~ I Haven`t Seen Him In Person For A Long Time. It Really Sucks But I`m Happy That I Can Talk To Him On Msn. <3

This Beast Is My Ultimate Happy Pill~ I Met Her When She Was Two, In Sunday School. She Was Reaching For A Pink Crayon And I Handed It To Her, And BAM! We`ve Been Joined At The Hip Ever Since. We`ve Only Had One Big Fight In Our Entire Friend-Life-Time And That Was When She Was 6 And When I Was 7, And It Was Over Something Stupid And It Wasn`t Friendship Threatning. Though It Seemed Like It Was At The Time. xD
I Yell At Her Alot But Since She`s So Kind Hearted And Spacey, She`s Used To It And Just Deals With It. I Try Not To But I Fail. ;-; I Abuse My Poor Little Lindsay-Chan. TT-TT We`ve Had Countless Adventures And Have Complete Opposite Tastes In Various Things, Clothes, Boys, Anime, And Boys! xD Chris Donathan For Me, Pete Wentz (Ew) For Her~

Ven Is My Sexy Beast Of A Friend. I`ve Known Her Over The Net For About A Year Or Two, And I`m Very Glad I Met Her. I Rp With Her Sometimes, And Other Times We Talk Randomly. I Can Be Perverted To Any Degree I Want With Ven Because I Know She Won`t Be Scarred For Life, Like Keme Or Lindsay. I Have Fun Roleplaying As Nachi Because He`s Such A Sexy Beast And It`s Fun To Make Nachi Clueless And Flirtatious At The Same Time! Another Thing Ven And I Have In Common, Is Annoying As ********, Brothers.

Dolly Is Just... Wow. I Love Her. I Rape Her All The Time Because She`s My Rape Buddy. We Both Quested Kiki`s And That Was A Memory~ We Also Both Got WTF Hats Around The Same Time. We`ve Twinned Before Too. Dolly`s ******** Cool So Add Her, And I`ll Love You. Make Her Upset Or Piss Her Off, Your Face, Meets My Chainsaw. On A Lighter Note... One Day Dolly And I Are Gonna Have A Give Away Full Of Good Items!!! But Until Then... We`ll Settle For Questing. <3

And Those Are My Important Persons.

(By The Way, They`re In The Order I Met Them In. 83)

And This Is My Dream Avi. 8D

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I love Skittles....... o.O



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Mexii Frii

Report | 12/01/2009 5:16 pm

Mexii Frii

Hey try this out! Send this comment to 10 people and press F5 to get 10000 gold

Report | 08/05/2009 2:49 pm


hey there....
polar bowler

Report | 04/14/2008 7:28 am

polar bowler

try this out ! if you send this comment to 12 people and press ctrl + w you will get 4000 gold! trust me it does work i tried it
polar bowler

Report | 02/02/2008 3:01 pm

polar bowler

I know kumori, she nice!!!!
Love Force

Report | 01/27/2008 8:28 am

Love Force

yeah they are ;D

yaaaayy -trows confetti around-


Report | 01/26/2008 12:25 pm


Yesh! I totally agree with that!

And, maybe if we get Nachi drunk enough we can get him to sing "Shut Up and Sleep With Me" and "Animals"! >w<!

But, he can sing DotA and any other song first. >w<!

But, yeah, and hey...that means that it's a good thing I'm single. *shifty eyes*

Kidding, I'm not pretty enough for him to wanna date me. >w<;;

But, yes, more like three hours of sleep though. Because, my sugar crashes takes about three hours to wear off so I can get hyper and party on some more.


Report | 01/26/2008 11:19 am


Hehe, well then I suppose I will just have to say that I look up to you from now on.

But, yay! That would be fun. Hehe.

We could have Karaote and only have Nachi-san sing.

Because you'd all go deaf if you heard me sing. >w<!

And, yay! Never been spoiled so, yay~

If we go to GameStop I'd end up getting you all the games I could for you, Harvest Moon or no.

Then, we'd go back to your place and party in your room while playing our Harvest Moon games.


Then we'd listen to DotA for a while, dance, listen to something else, dance some more.

And...after that, I think we'll just pass out from the tiredness we shall feel and sleep.

Then do it all over again the next day! >w<!

Report | 01/26/2008 11:04 am



I've never been spoiled before...


I will make you, Nachi-san, and anyone else cookies too!

Then, I can make some Hot Chocolate and we'll party!

I'll just stay with you. >w<!

No one here would miss me.

If Brittany gets upset, I'll just talk to her through your MSN. >w<!

Jeff...he won't care none. Even though he likes to say otherwise...

But, yeah! That would be so fun!

And, I'm not even 5 foot yet...so, yeah...;-;

Report | 01/26/2008 10:58 am


So...I can be older then you and look up to you.

You're probably taller then me, so it all works out!!! >w<!

Hehe, but, yeah...my birthday's coming up! T.T

Steal me so I don't have to go through the day...Brittany and everyone else will destroy me!

I'm more afriad of them then I am of this game I'm playing. >w<!
Love Force

Report | 01/26/2008 9:17 am

Love Force

User Image i dont think mine was that expensive but its nice

omg my friend had that one an we would play the simpsons bart game on it x3

ollllllddd goood times.

Nintendo's things always work forever.

my orig Nintendo system still works


Switch Blade Stilettos`s Mewl. owo Love Me.