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My real name is Kristi-Leigh, I'm sixteen.
I'm your average, angst-filled teenager.
Take advantage of me; you won't be the first, or the last.
I'm taken. I love my boyfriend, John.[: 3/21/09 User Image
I'm a quiet, shy girl with a razor blade tongue.
I accept everyone for who they are, nothing else.
Rock, punk, metal, Post-Hardcore, Grindcore, Pop-Punk- You name it, i'll break bones to it.
I'I like most of the people i meet. I like meeting new faces. Even if they're pixles.
I feel 1000 times better behind a camera than in front of it.
Haters? Bring them the ******** on.

~I'm worth talking to- I promise.

Send your hatemail here, bitchuzz:
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