Karla Sofen - Ms. Marvel

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Dark Avengers vs New Avengers


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Luke Powerman Cage Report | 01/10/2012 5:21 pm
Hey Karla , I sent you a friend request I,m trying to get a Thunderbolts Team on Gaia Thanks.
The Amazing Peter Parker Report | 12/19/2010 4:02 pm
32nd Street...

One of the many, so called joys of being a new member of The Avengers is the power of information. After the events that occured during his long time foe, Norman Osborn's reign, peace had finally calmed the souls of every innocent citizen and super human alike. Atleast, to the naked eye... With H.A.M.M.E.R. being disbanded and vigilante groups such as The Avengers making a trumphant public appearence, the search for a grander scheme was soon set in to motion. It brought our friendly neighborhood Spider-man to 32nd street...

Dawning his red and blue costume he patrols the area. Although this was a common routine for the webbed wonder, he had a secret mission of sorts to investigate and possibly uncover a secret agenda. An agenda that only Norman Osborn would make. Firing his last string of webbing, he takes a giant swing and releases to land perched on the edge of the noted warehouse on 32nd. Although wearing his black suit would be ideal considering the night sky, he had been in the game long enough to sneak around these parts.

[Poor Harry... He's been through so much ever since the American Son incident. Then there was the siege on Asgard, and now this... Although ol' stormin' Norman's behind bars with the rest of the nut cases, he's still got loyalists out there working for him under the radar.]

Placing his hands along the side of the abandoned structure, he sticks to the surface and begins to crawl on the wall, looking for an open window.

[Doesn't look like anyone's home. I bet J.J. would kill for photo's of yours truely breaking and entering right now]

Finding the desired window he slowly opens it. Climbing inside the structure, he sticks with wall crawling and climbs to the ceiling. Advancing forward, he continues his investigation.

[Okay, what was it that ol' Cappy said to me... Rumor has it that this place here has secret documents to a line of new super powered goons, modeled after a certain super powered being. Little is known about his motive for such creations. Gee, what mad scientist isn't making a new line of super toys lately? I mean, just last week I had to deal with Ock's Octobots and now this...]

Finding a suspicious looking door, he fires a string of webbing to the door knob from the ceiling to open the door. Doing so a bright light engulfs the generally dark interior.

[Hello... What do we have here?]

The abandoned warehouse wasn't so abandoned after all. The factory had more than just secret documents. Production was under way as gigantic metalic machines was seemingly mass producing humanoid beings that resembled someone familiar.

[Wait, I've seen this before... But why her of all people? This doesn't make any sense... Why would Osborn make clone versions of Ms. Marvel? Aw he's got the color scheme all wrong too... She wears black, not red! Lucky, it doesn't look like these things are fully functional quite yet...]

Still sticking to the ceiling to avoid any unwanted attention from a well hidden goon, he continues his investigation.
The 10th Doctor Allons-y Report | 12/11/2010 2:51 pm
The 10th Doctor Allons-y Report | 11/06/2010 12:49 pm
hey hows it going?
tiger101579 Report | 11/06/2010 6:54 am
"Hello Karla Sofen "the voice behind the laughter whispered, the sound coming from everywhere and nowhere,
Gedachtnis the Protector Report | 07/19/2010 10:59 pm
[[ I'm a little late on the draw, but thank you for the friend request, lol. I just revived this account recently. ]]
The 10th Doctor Allons-y Report | 07/14/2010 7:49 pm
Electro Maxwell Dillon Report | 01/27/2010 5:50 am
very nice moonstone er uhhh ms. marvel!
The Mutant Detective Report | 01/26/2010 6:17 pm
I thought I'd Lay this Idea on you for a storyline

Norman Osbourn sends Daken to kidnap Spiderman and bring him back too H.A.M.M.E.R. Spiderman gets toutured and a guard comes up to him, Spiderman steals his communicator and gets it. Spiderman contacts Blade telling him to help him, Blade enlist the help of Wolverine knowing he can't take down Daken. Spiderman gets caught using the comm-link by Daken and Daken breaks it and stabs Spiderman in the chest. Blade and Wolvrine steal a H.A.M.M.E.R. Uniforms and disuse them self as Hammer Agents. Blade and Logan fight some of the Dark Avengers and then Blade runs too find Spiderman, Daken yells at the other Avengers and says I'll take my old man and the rest of them go after Blade, Blade manges to get Spiderman and free him but the alarms start to ring and Norman Osborn is alerted, and comes in his Iron Patriot Uniform and him and Blade trys to run with Spiderman and injured Spiderman trys to fight with Blade against the avengers.
The Symbiote Report | 01/11/2010 12:26 pm
Approaching from total darkness, Mac spoke with his rough Venom voice, "Well if it isn't walking breasts herself." He landed on his feet in front of Karla. His Venom grin stretched across his face. "What's cookin'?" This time his voice was a bit more raspy. His symbiote suit wasn't pumped up to the max. Instead he seemed a bit more bough than his Spiderman-look-alike form.

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Formerly Moonstone, now the Dark Avengers Ms. Marvel!

Karla Sofen was born in Van Nuys, California. She grew up in the mansion of Hollywood producer Charles Stockbridge, as the child of Stockbridge's butler Karl Sofen. After her father died, her mother Marion worked three jobs to put her daughter through college, and Karla vowed never to end up like her mother, to never put another's needs before her own. Despite building a successful practice as a psychologist and psychiatrist, Karla so disliked being dependent on her patients for income that she entered the super-criminal world as an aide to Doctor Faustus. Learning of the original Moonstone, Lloyd Bloch, she became his psychologist and manipulated him into rejecting the source of his powers, an extraterrestrial gem of considerable power, which she then acquired and absorbed to gain the powers of Moonstone.

Norman Osborn approaches Moonstone while she is meditating and offers her a spot on the Dark Avengers. She is given the codename of Ms. Marvel as well as her original costume (reclaimed from Ultra Girl) after Carol Danvers refuses to follow Osborn. On the Dark Avenger's first mission, the new Ms. Marvel is seen attacking Morgana le Fay by blasting her off her dragon causing her to die in the present.[

As Karla takes on the mantle of Ms. Marvel, she goes out patrolling and comes across some men robbing an armored car. After killing the men, Karla goes back to the Avengers Tower where Osborn informs her the Dark Avengers all have to undergo Psych Evaluations and he wants her to go first, wanting her professional opinion of Dr. Gerald Wright's skills. After going through some of Karla's memories psychically, Dr. Wright reveals the memories of her mother's death are locked behind a "Hulk shaped door" and he came to kill the Dark Avengers because they are all made up of criminals and makes Karla start to choke herself to death. As Karla is choking herself, she tricks him by getting him to go back into her head where she reveals she killed her mother and hated being seen as a criminal and a failure. After Karla breaks free, she asks him if he is prepared to do what she did and shoots his right arm off leaving him begging for mercy. Off panel it appears she chokes him to death. Karla then storms off past Osborn

After being told by Norman Osborn to find A.I.M., Karla sorts through the original Ms. Marvel's A.I.M. leads and takes out an A.I.M. cell in Atlanta, Georgia. There she finds baby M.O.D.O.C.'s, enhanced to warp reality. They communicate with her telepathically, telling her that they need Ms. Marvel to save them. It is unclear if they are controlling her, or if she genuinely cares about them, but Karla takes them back to her room in the Avengers Tower for safe keeping. Almost immediately her room is blown apart by a strange yellow being, provoking Karla's rage.

With the aid of Venom, Noh-Varr and Iron Patriot, Karla manages to defeat the mysterious being and after a meeting with the Dark Avengers, the babies are moved to Thunderbolt's Mountain where they are stolen by Deadpool on behalf of A.I.M.
Later while flying through the city, Karla comes across a green version of Ms Marvel's lightning bolt on the side of a building. Karla goes back to the Avengers Tower where Osborn informs her Deadpool stole the baby M.O.D.O.C.'s. Karla goes to confront him in Los Angeles. After defeating him, Karla comes across the New Avengers and four of the mysterious beings, each one a different color in an underground A.I.M. base. Trying to save the babies, Karla is too late to reach them as Spider-Man hooks them up to a machine. The four mysterious beings then merge and reform Carol Danvers, the original Ms Marvel.Refusing to let her title be taken away, Karla attempts to pound Danvers, but strangely, no matter what she hits her with, Danvers survived each and every blow.

Eventually, it is discovered that Danvers has a counterpart named Catherine Donovan, who, in close proximity, allows Danvers to be invulnerable. Donovan is subsequently killed by Osborn and is revealed to be a creation of the Storyteller whose persona then habits Karla's body as she is fighting Carol Danvers. While trapped in her own body, Sofen is forced confront her own identity and retakes the mantle of Moonstone. As Moonstone, Sofen is able to expel Donovan's consciousness which merges with Danvers upon exit thus making Ms. Marvel whole again. However, during their battle, Carol uses her powers to remove the moonstone from Sofen, depowering her in the process. She tells Sofen that she learned a great deal about her while in her mind and offers her a chance at redemption. Knowing she will die in 72 hours without the moonstone's support, Carol hides it at the gravesite of Sofen's mother and gives her the opportunity to reexamine her life and stand against Osborn. Sofen finds the moonstone at her mother's grave, in a fury she smashes the headstone marking it and leaves.
Karla is sent out by Osborn to help quell the riots in San Francisco along with the other Dark Avengers and H.A.M.M.E.R. Outside the Castro Theatre, she takes out Nekra and Frenzy much to the surprise of Karma, Armor, and Bling.

Later she comes into conflict with Rogue, accusing her of attacking an unconscious H.A.M.M.E.R. agent and viciously attacks her, though Rogue manages to trick her and escape.Karla is later informed of Trance's situation by H.A.M.M.E.R. agents and goes to confront her. After taking out Gambit and Danger, she gets into another fight with Rogue. Trance pulls herself together and attacks Karla. Under Rogue's orders, Trance and Gambit manage to successfully take down Karla before teleporting off with Pixie.During the final fight on Utopia, Karla takes on Nekra, Frenzy and Bling. She comes to Osborn's side telling him if they want to win, they'll have to kill them all but the whole world is watching and if they kill one, they'll have to kill them all and nobody comes back from committing genocide live on TV.
Molecule Man turns Moonstone into pure energy, then undoes this at the demand of the Sentry.
Moonstone in her Ms. Marvel guise joins the Dark Avengers in a battle with the Mighty Avengers at the time when the Absorbing Man has harnessed the powers of the Cosmic Cube.]
In Dark Avengers #10, Moonstone is flirting with Bullseye stating that she is finding him attractive as Hawkeye.

Karla is caught having sex with Bullseye in the Avengers Tower meeting room in front of H.A.M.M.E.R agents as Victoria Hand and Norman Osborn watch on a security camera. This act is perceived as an act of rebellion from Karla against Norman Osborn's rule over the Dark Avengers. Norman sends Victoria Hand to deal with the situation. Hand confronts Moonstone and Bullseye with a group of H.A.M.M.E.R agents. Moonstone disobeys Hand's orders, which prompts Hand to take out an alien weapon to shoot Moonstone, knocking her unconscious.

Prior to the attack on Asgard, Moonstone is approached by Venom who tells Karla that he has been waking up 'sticky' after dreams and was wondering if she could help him. At first she looks disgusted at Mac Gargan's attempts to approach her. While this is happening, Daken walks up to her and calls her 'sweetheart.' Karla wraps her arm around Venom's arm and spurns Daken in the process.

During the siege of Asgard, Moonstone is seen helping Osborn defeat Thor.[48] She is seen being chased away from the scene by Maria Hill. Moonstone turns intangible to avoid the bullets. Moonstone is one of the on-lookers when Sentry tears Ares in half.[49] Moonstone is standing besides Norman Osborn when the New Avengers, Young Avengers, and Nick Fury led by Steve Rogers arrive to assist the Asgardians. Captain America hits Osborn with his shield as Karla retreats back, prompting her to say "Well, I sure as @#$% saw this coming!" Karla engages in personal combat with Ms. Marvel. Karla wins the exchange when Osborn interferes into the fight by blasting Ms. Marvel with an energy beam in the back. When Osborn reverts back to his Green Goblin persona after being defeated by Iron Man and Captain America, Karla and Bullseye are seen in the distance. Both of them come to the realization that it would be a good time to leave the battle.

In Siege #4 and Dark Avengers #16, Moonstone, along with the other members of the Dark Avengers, are arrested by the Avengers. After Captain America does away with Norman Osborn, Moonstone and Bullseye take the opportunity to attempt an escape. Carol Danvers gives chase to Moonstone, only to have Karla fire on her with an energy blast. When it seems she has escaped, Iron Man appears and punches her, knocking her out. At the same time, Bullseye is struck down by Luke Cage, sending the two villains falling unconscious to the ground, thus ending Moonstone's involvement in Dark Reign.

Moonstone has been confirmed to be a member of the new Thunderbolts team formed in the aftermath of Siege.
Luke Cage visits the women's section of the Vault, where he recruits Moonstone to become a member of the Thunderbolts. Moonstone claims that "It is about time" someone came by to recruit her for the Thunderbolts, and that her "costume should be pressed" Moonstone's recruitment upsets Songbird. Moonstone appears with the rest of the Thunderbolts at their first training session on the beach shores of the Vault. Moonstone makes a comment regarding the poor scenary of the training field

Moonstone draws power from a Kree gravity stone (found on Earth's moon) which is charged with unknown energy and bonded to her nervous system. She can use the stone's elemental energy to fly, become intangible by lowering the density of her body and pass through solid objects (though this is an ability Moonstone cannot use upon reflex, at least not on a scale to that of Kitty Pryde), immune to even magic-based attacks from a mistress of the mystic arts, and focus gravity into laser-like force blasts that she fires from her hands (able to penetrate steel plate in a narrow beam). She has also shown the ability to discharge non-coherent light omni-directionally in a blinding flash and has prodigious superhuman strength, speed, stamina, and reflexes through the use of the stone. When Moonstone absorbed a second gravity stone, she displayed the ability to control gravitational forces to move and manipulate matter, create force fields, increase gravity around a target to crush it, generate miniature black holes, even transport objects through dimensional rifts.

Karla Sofen has extensive knowledge of psychology and psychiatry, and has an M.D. in psychiatry.


Karla Sofen

Made by Yuke of XV

Annihilating Source! Carnage Force!BCM Lunar Moonstone Gamma Ranger!

I am the first, thus far only Karla Sofen,aka Moonstone, (Dark) Ms. MarvelRemember that the lot of you who try to play my role!

I am not on much alrightI do have my job at Marvel that comes first and foremost.If you DO need to message me PM Chrono Q Clepsydra or Yuke of Xv