
User Image

A little about Me.
Name: Kato Shields or Kana613 to you.
Age: Old Enough
Sign: Snake
More about me? Wouldn't you like to know.

Stalk Me?
Gaia Online: Kana613, Clara Baxter and Stan Shields are my Mule Accounts
Roliana: Saffron Boulderstine, Vivian Montgomery
Solia Online: Merideth and Bruno
Menewsha: Kana613
TinierMe: Kana613 (Fuan)
deviantART: Kana613
Photobucket: Kana613

My Shop?
User Image

Donations a.k.a. people who own my soul
Fizzgigg - 300k

Roi-chan - Summoning Tome
Pink Heart Chocolate Cake
Fallen Wish
Jinxi's Charm
Inari's Beads 11th Gen
Tama's Basket 3rd Gen
Silver Prince's Rapier
Voracious Fog
Reve Rouille 4th Gen
Angelic Manner

Mistress Dragon Flame -G9 Laptop

Soragirl -Standard issue hunting knife
White First Aid Kit

Laila Izuka -Kokeshi Fan

Mira Mitsuki -Defender Pump-action
-Deluxe Cat Ears
-Angelic Boots

DJ Wind
-Silver Laurels


Viewing 12 of 31 friends


Tales of a Mental Fox

This is just some of my nonsense storys that might make no sense what so ever, so if you don't like it don't read.



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Lord Oni-mushu

Report | 01/30/2013 10:30 pm

Lord Oni-mushu

Laila Izuka

Report | 07/03/2011 7:49 pm

Laila Izuka

Sounds like fun :3, and I haven't been on Gaia much myself either. Well, I can't exactly do so when I am at school XD. I've been doing pretty good myself :3. I started Job Corps on March 8th, and it's been awesome so far <3. I've met a ton of new people, and I've been excelling in my classes (in Culinary Arts). I'm ahead of a lot of people who have been on the same level of me for months longer than myself. I'm not even working that fast XD. I've been on work base in the cafeteria for two weeks now, and have two more weeks to go. I'll finish those up when I'm off my summer break owO. And then I get to start off center work base at a casino downtown 8D. And I just took an exam to get my first certification. It was the ServSafe exam, and I'm pretty sure that I passed it with a good grade ^-^, just gotta wait and find out the results :3
Laila Izuka

Report | 07/03/2011 7:20 pm

Laila Izuka

Happy b-day Kana <3 *hasn't talked to you in forever* HOW HAVE YOU BEEN??? 8D
Valkyrie Verdandi

Report | 07/03/2011 1:09 pm

Valkyrie Verdandi

It's cool man, just won it. XD Have fun ^^
Valkyrie Verdandi

Report | 07/03/2011 1:05 pm

Valkyrie Verdandi

Thank you for buying. ^^

Nice profile btw. (:

Report | 11/20/2010 2:42 pm


yay! Thank you! lol

Report | 11/20/2010 12:47 am


Is cheating...find me as Ryu_Yosei in TinierMe...can't find you too many Kana's *cries*
KiSS KiSS Enjeru

Report | 11/09/2010 6:52 pm

KiSS KiSS Enjeru

"DONE! Back home!" -- WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!
Are you still in califorina D:
Are we ever going to a con together </3?

Report | 10/22/2010 1:58 pm


Thanks for buying the, G-Blade, from my shop!
it helps tons towards my new dream Avatar and i greatly appreciate it! ^^
Laila Izuka

Report | 05/04/2010 2:23 pm

Laila Izuka

Well hopefully you'll be able to get that trailer soon then :3. I'm planning on getting out of the house soon as well. I'm trying to get into Job Corps, and I would be living on campus for over a year. My best friend and I want to get an apartment somewhere together. We might try to find a place in Reno.


I R L Female