
KatWarrior's avatar

Last Login: 04/26/2022 11:42 pm

Registered: 01/11/2006

Gender: Female

Location: Hick-county (guess which one)

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I have started a Spriggan group on Yahoo! biggrin Come see! If you really like Spriggan, please join! http://groups.yahoo.com/group/sprigganfans/message/1?l=1

Firstly, I am a Christian. A lot of you are probably scowling right now because you associate a lot of crap with that. Well, let me say first and foremost that I don't make a beeline for topics that would offend me. I might read them for curiousity's sake, but I seldom get involved. It's the internet. I use it to have fun - not get frustrated (I can do that with school work, thankyouverymuch). Also note, I respect the beliefs of others. Do I agree? Not necissarily. But I don't hate them for their beliefs, and I'd appreciate it if I wasn't hated for mine. We're all human, we're all stuck here. Might as well put up with each other. I have a lot of friends with very different beliefs/likings/etc., but I don't love them any less for it! *hugs to them all* Am I a hippie? No. I like shoes and don't wear tie-dye very often. XD


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JungeAffe Report | 10/18/2008 4:46 pm
I know where you sleep at night....

*ish ninja*
Mars-San Report | 01/30/2007 7:16 pm
Bebop_Cowboy Report | 12/12/2006 11:18 am
Yeah, Spriggan is awesome.
GuardianAmy Report | 11/06/2006 6:20 pm
I like spoiling you. X3
Bloodboi Report | 11/06/2006 10:43 am
eeyyy razz
GuardianAmy Report | 10/10/2006 7:53 pm
Hi Kitty!^.^
Tusehel Report | 10/10/2006 3:40 pm
thanks! i'm flattered. =P
Mars-San Report | 10/04/2006 3:39 pm

Told you that you'd find me on here! dramallama
QueenManderZ Report | 08/17/2006 9:05 pm
~~Random Comment~~
Sazgoth Report | 08/15/2006 2:58 pm
Yum, popcorn.


I remember the early days of anime in the USA - when it was still "Japanimation", everything was on poorly rated videos, and "yaoi!" was something you yelled when you hit your thumb with a hammer.


