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Kawaii Kimiko Neko's avatar

Last Login: 12/26/2013 1:46 am

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My poems..

A special world for you and me
A special bond one cannot see
It wraps us up in its cocoon
And holds us fiercely in its womb.

Its fingers spread like fine spun gold
Gently nestling us to the fold
Like silken thread it holds us fast
Bonds like this are meant to last.

And though at times a thread may break
A new one forms in its wake
To bind us closer and keep us strong
In a special world, where we belong.


My love, I have tried with all my being
to grasp a form comparable to thine own,
but nothing seems worthy;

I know now why Shakespeare could not
compare his love to a summer’s day.
It would be a crime to denounce the beauty
of such a creature as thee,
to simply cast away the precision
God had placed in forging you.

Each facet of your being
whether it physical or spiritual
is an ensnarement
from which there is no release.
But I do not wish release.
I wish to stay entrapped forever.
With you for all eternity.
Our hearts, always as one.


If I could have just one wish,
I would wish to wake up everyday
to the sound of your breath on my neck,
the warmth of your lips on my cheek,
the touch of your fingers on my skin,
and the feel of your heart beating with mine...
Knowing that I could never find that feeling
with anyone other than you.


I love the way you look at me,
Your eyes so bright and blue.
I love the way you kiss me,
Your lips so soft and smooth.

I love the way you make me so happy,
And the ways you show you care.
I love the way you say, "I Love You,"
And the way you're always there.

I love the way you touch me,
Always sending chills down my spine.
I love that you are with me,
And glad that you are mine.


A gentle word like a spark of light,
Illuminates my soul
And as each sound goes deeper,
It's YOU that makes me whole

There is no corner, no dark place,
YOUR LOVE cannot fill
And if the world starts causing waves,
It's your devotion that makes them still

And yes you always speak to me,
In sweet honesty and truth
Your caring heart keeps out the rain,
YOUR LOVE, the ultimate roof

So thank you my Love for being there,
For supporting me, my life
I'll do the same for you, you know,
My Beautiful, Darling Wife.


A stranger you were once.
Then, with a gentle look you took my hand.
As our lives engaged,
you lit my life and I held both your hands.
Now that decades have passed,
ours souls have indeed become one.
How fortunate we are
that we have found the love so true
that everyone dreams about.


You're my man, my mighty king,
And I'm the jewel in your crown,
You're the sun so hot and bright,
I'm your light-rays shining down,

You're the sky so vast and blue,
And I'm the white clouds in your chest,
I'm a river clean and pure,
Who in your ocean finds her rest,

You're the mountain huge and high,
I'm the valley green and wide,
You're the body firm and strong,
And I'm a rib bone on your side,

You're an eagle flying high,
I'm your feathers light and brown,
You're my man, my king of kings,
And I'm the jewel in your crown.


Your lips speak soft sweetness
Your touch a cool caress
I am lost in your magic
My heart beats within your chest

I think of you each morning
And dream of you each night
I think of your arms being around me
And cannot express my delight

Never have I fallen
But I am quickly on my way
You hold a heart in your hands
That has never before been given away

Raze17's poems...

Before you I was broken
After you I was shattered
but know that you're here
I am whole

As I look out the window
I think about
the love I have for you
how it is never ending
even in death I will love you
for true love never dies
I will love you no matter what
I love you
In life
In death

You are
what keeps me up at night
what gets me to sleep at night
what I think of
what I love
you are
everything to me
you are
my love

Demureangelica's poems

In your dreams you see her,
Hear her call out
See her smile.
You see shadows cast on her face
and the way the sun dances in her eyes.
You know that she watches you
with love like a rose, bittersweet.
You see, but you cannot touch her;
she is but a specter, an invisible deity
who you love to love.
Perfection wasted on such dreams
Seems misspent, but it is not so-
You are happy, and so is she.
It is a phantom spirit you love,
And altogether more beautiful.
Fire consumes your very soul
As her eye catches yours.
What a sweet way
To burn.

Send me poems and I promise to put them up, and give you credit



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kitty_gurl6 Report | 11/27/2008 9:00 pm
R i k u_real Report | 11/19/2008 2:55 pm
R i k u_real
hey,whats up?
Gussie_chan Report | 07/30/2008 7:10 pm
Ryu the little buster Report | 07/08/2008 1:58 pm
Ryu the little buster
R i k u_real Report | 07/07/2008 3:00 pm
R i k u_real
R i k u_real Report | 07/07/2008 2:53 pm
R i k u_real
R i k u_real Report | 07/07/2008 2:48 pm
R i k u_real
eh,still immature.
R i k u_real Report | 07/07/2008 2:42 pm
R i k u_real
immature much. XD
R i k u_real Report | 07/07/2008 2:24 pm
R i k u_real
random comment.
kitty_gurl6 Report | 07/01/2008 5:38 pm
wanna hang out or talk?

*kisses your cheek*

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