

My name's Kayci.
Been here since 12/04 :].
Learn about me.


This one is my reason for existing.

It's my Rei.

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He hates brushing his hair. But he's fine. He's nice, adorable, listens, intelligent, and too good for me. But he loves me anyways...

I'm 16, 17 the day after Cupid day :]

I'm cute-ish, but I know I'm no hot thing :]

I'm hopelessly in love with Miratsu Rei. And he loves me back. Turn green, hoes :]

I'm a high school junior, smarter and wiser and even more mature than over half of my school. And sadly, that's not my ego.

I fail on purpose sometimes at school :]

I'm loud some days, quiet others :]

I love: Japan. Comedies. Music. Some people
I dislike: fakes, liars, homophobics, negative assholes, the list goes on.

I'm deeply into Japanese language and culture, but I'm not "Wapanese". That term is ******** overused. My love for the country is completely on my own terms, not about some shitty anime that has a popularity base of idiots like Naruto.

I do watch some anime, however, I prefer manga. Prolly my way of reading everything within site contributes to that. :]

I do speak some, but not fluent. However, I can get around and not get shot by Yakuza. :]


I'm a big thing of natural beauty. I don't understand why people see changing their hair color or caking on make-up is unique. Prolly 'cause...everyone does it now? Ha ha. I mean, sometimes, it's okay, but it doesn't automatically make you more beautiful than others

I think it takes true courage to be in your skin with little to none make-up and natural hair.

But some disagree. And that's fine. As long as they don't insult someone like me. =/

If you're going to call me ugly, have a basis. :] Otherwise I'm not the only fool, am I?

I believe love can happen and be serious at any age.

I'm sixteen, he's seventeen. We're closer than most adult couples I know. Sure we have our patches and doubts, but that's normal.

We're more serious, and you prolly just laugh and mock and jeer cause you never felt this way. :]

I will always love him. No matter what. Even though he had to go back to his country, I'll see him soon.

However, I am a nice person online normally. Really. I'm open to homosexuality, and I know that teen pregnancy is NOT always a bad thing.

I'm just very defending. :]

So, now you know some of me and my thoughts. :]


Viewing 12 of 17 friends


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

wisdoms daughter

Report | 04/16/2008 9:37 am

wisdoms daughter

*nibbles your leg* mmm kayci... *drools* omg watz up chicken BUTT?! XD lol

Report | 04/07/2008 7:45 am


lol i made you a fan of NEWS? how? XD
[ Desperado ]

Report | 03/24/2008 8:25 am

[ Desperado ]

Cute profile and signature!

Report | 03/12/2008 10:09 am


aw I liked reading your about me section. I'm gonna add you as a friend. :]
Masochistic Malice

Report | 03/07/2008 6:38 pm

Masochistic Malice

Random Comment!!


[Stained in Satin]

Report | 02/10/2008 11:46 am

[Stained in Satin]

Hiiii. [:
tofu sex

Report | 02/06/2008 7:39 pm

tofu sex

oops D: i read someone elses comment and wrote the reply on yours. XD!! SORRYYY. anyways. I'M GLAD THAT IT MAKES YOU HAPPY :]
tofu sex

Report | 02/06/2008 7:38 pm

tofu sex

Please wait...

Report | 01/28/2008 7:43 pm

Please wait...


your new picture is quite stunning dearrr. <3

Report | 01/28/2008 7:23 pm


Kayci is amazing.

'Nuff said :]


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Rei = My Love&&Life