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LadyXMacbeth Report | 11/13/2008 6:20 am
thanks 4 da buy
Guardian of Death 31 Report | 10/29/2008 8:57 pm
thanks for buying
Slyer241-- Report | 05/16/2008 11:47 am
Ha ha i live for the battle war is all i have known.... oh and hi
Lucind Varhetel Report | 05/13/2008 11:11 pm
Yo there!

How're doing? =D
Lady Sierra Report | 03/17/2008 12:06 pm
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nany owned me Report | 03/07/2008 8:31 pm
nice pic
Cthulhu Wish Report | 01/28/2008 7:48 pm

Where are you?
User 367130 Report | 12/25/2007 8:26 pm
Happy Holidays. =)
Ryugi Kazamaru Report | 12/07/2007 12:27 am
I miss you! Come back! User Image
User 367130 Report | 09/27/2007 5:14 pm
Fine, fine. ^^



Kaym's avatar

Last Login: 12/27/2013 9:08 pm

Registered: 05/30/2004

Gender: Female

Location: Milwaukee, wisconsin

Personal Website


Kaym~ (Saiya Anzhela Afanasiiskaya)
Kaym doesn't have too much for special powers - other then resisting large amounts of fire and heat. She is indefinitely immune to somnifacients – (tranquillizers, poisons, or other drug inducing products.) She's had years of training in military tactics and martial arts.

*She was granted 2 special weapons that do help increase her fire use ability and tolerance.

-------------- -Character Stats- ------------
- Born: June, 3 1980
- Age: 73 yrs 22 appearance
- Hair: Black
- Eyes: yellow
- Species: human/Russian - Pyrogenism
- Height: 5'8
- Weight: 120
- Immunities: gases and somnifacients (tranquillizers, or other drug
inducing products) Heat - fire, a certain degree to cold temperatures.
- Traits: Quick healing abilities, acute senses - eyesight, hearing & smell, Quick movement, lengthy jumps, strong physical capabilities.
- Occupations: assassin/bounty, Engineer-bimolecular scientist
- Likes: smell of white plum, humans
- Dislikes: traitors – surprisingly, she holds grudges
- Clothing: dark grey tight spandex pants / Hard Leather Corset
She also has several tattoos. Front of each hand, both shoulders.

5 bladed sword - Vayu (or solar fire)
Rigveda - special gun given to her by Nathanial. Neither of them knows where it’s from.

2 Time/space manipulating daggers / acquired from Fay

~*Vayu Agni - also known as Solar fire*~

There is an interesting story about this sword.

This sword was fact given to her by Sam, he called it, Vayu.
"This fire of the breath, like the solar fire, is a gaseous fire..."

When she received this sword she had no idea of its potential. She recently discovered one of the swords powers’ when she fought an opponent named, Sessarial. The sword possesses a force field; “fire force,” it reacts to different auras. Once it's struck, it activates itself, usually protecting itself and the user, Kaym.

Unfortunately, when she first discovered this ability the outcome was not in her favor – the defense was so thick it backfired, repelling her in the opposite direction. – She can now control this feature.

Rigveda was given to her when she Barthavos Desert by one of Sam's adopted son, Nathanial. It furthers her ability and immunity to physical fire and temperature.

2 – Time/ space Manipulation daggers

Kaym used to work with a man who made these blades himself. He had a special ability involving time/ space manipulation. If the two dagger/short swords are used in unison along a hard surface, it can:
1. Create an invisible barrier. No one/ creature can look inside or see it.
2. They (one can be used) can create a nullifying barrier. Magic is weaker / obsolete, the air is thinner, and normal humans are forced out of the barrier. However, once the barrier is removed, if a particular building was demolished / damaged it will also happen when it’s deactivated.

Nathanial Khufu
Status :: in development


Nathanial is the adopted son of Sam
Weapons: Scimitar

Sigh is an a*****e, very cocky, hotheaded, and did i say arrogent? He has brown hair and eyes. His body composition is very muscular and tall. This man would do anythign for a promotion. So needless to say, when Tiv was killed, he was delighted because that made him a rank higher.

inactive. razz
Feih loves men. He loves to wear lipstick and womens clothes, Sigh hates him and calls him a f**--- Feih is obsessed with caster.

Feih doesnt like to fight, however, when he does its usually cheap shots.

He has red eyes and purple (dyed) hair.

The pretty one of the bunch. Caster has the highest rank. His charm and eye-drawn looks brought him to the top of the food chain, and Sigh hates him for it.

He has blonde hair and crystal green eyes.

Tear is Casters right hand man. He is more of the ninja, silent type. He wears a scarf that covers his face, and a hood to shield his hair color - He only speaks when spoken to directly.

His grey eyes and pale skin are the only thing visable.


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Missions, mafia notes etc

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War is a Necessary Evil