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Oh right! Where are my manners? My name is
Katherine Deserae Roberts
K’Dee Roberts
which is what most refer to me as… but really it’s only my nickname.
Hmmm, now what else would you like to know….

Birthday: Oct. 28th
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Height: 5' 11'
Weapon: Pre-kishin Chainscythe
Formerly: Elana
Currently: Daniel/Sinnor Roberts

My Half-Brother, Danny
Hanging out with Danny
My Friends
Having fun
goofing off
Singing [Though I'm not that good >.>]
Listening to music

Annoying teachers
Rude/mean people
My Father
Further becoming a Pre-kishin/kishin
Losing control of my mind
I'm a bit afraid of Stein ^^;;

-Where my Life began-
I was born on Oct 28th 1992, [Which means I am currently 18], In Seattle Washington. My family resided in an old little shack between two tall apartment buildings, it wasn’t the best, but at least it was good enough to shelter us from those wet winter nights. I lived with my mother and father until I was about ten and my mother suddenly disappeared. It wouldn’t be until I was nearly twelve when I found out what really happened to my mother. She had always protected me from my dad, and with her gone then, there was no one to help me. While living with dad I experienced true nightmares, ones that my imagination couldn’t even compare with when it came time for my slumber. And on top of the physical abuse, he also mentally and verbally abused me, breaking me down, and crushing my dreams of ever becoming a Deathscythe.

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[[Former Techntian Elana on left, Student appearance of KDee on right.]]

-Life at Shibusen-
I managed to run away, though I’d rather not go in to detail how. It was rather traumatic for me, and not particularly something I enjoy talking about.
Once I made it too Shibusen, I was sort of taken in, not particularly by a single person, but just by the school in general. However I did take a certain liking to Deathscythe-Senpai [Spirit Albarn] and Shinigami-sama. They were like the father’s I had always wanted.
I met Elana a few days after I had enrolled in the school. We are nearly opposites, but don’t they always say opposites attract? Our Wavelengths matched incredibly well, and right away we decided to be team mates. She was my closest friend and ... as embarassing as it is, I actually started to grow more inimate and loving feelings for her. But please don't tell that to Danny, I would kill me if he knew that I like other girls. And with Elana and a lot of hard work and determination, we were able to make me a Deathscythe.

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[[KDee's appearance after becoming a Deathscythe]]

-Demon Chain-
After becoming a deathscythe I was given the name of Demon Chain. Spirit was given the duty to teach me the ropes of being a Deathscythe and at first I don’t think he enjoyed it, but at last we both started to have fun with my training. I grew close to a lot of people at Shibusen, including the students and even some of the other Deathscythe’s including Spirit, Justin, and Marie. I must admit I had even begun striking up somewhat of a friendship with Stein-hakase, and of course I can’t forget to say that Shinigami-sama and I also had a strong bond. But of course he had a close bond with a marjority of his students.

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[[KDee as her normal self seeing a glimpse of herself once she's older and consumed with madness]]

-The Betrayal-
Madness had always been just under the surface of my soul, searching for anyway possible escape. And it did find it’s release when my Brother, Daniel aka Sinnor Roberts found me. He hung around me a lot while I was training to become a Deathscythe. Both my friends and instructors began to see a difference in my personality, while, even today I think it’s just them. After all Danny makes me happy, he’s the only bit of family I have left, even if he only is a half-brother.
Though, he began to lead me off onto a path I had wanted to avoid from the start, and now, he’s slowly converting me to become a Kishin. Oddly enough, I don’t resist. I trust him. And he says Dad will love me again if I do what he would’ve wanted me to do, and that is to live out his dream of becoming a Kishin.
So now here I am. A traitor of Shibusen, attempting t creating a kishin out of myself, and hating every minute of it.

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