I really like the song.

Keries AKA Dumpydits

Keries AKA Dumpydits's avatar

Last Login: 01/20/2008 10:31 pm

Registered: 03/02/2006

Gender: Male

Location: Under your bed eating your dead skin particles.

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Well I'm fifth teen. Seemingly I'm the only asian in my school and people do put the stereotype up about me...Constantly. I'm also jewish and again the only jew in school and people coming up to me about that one too. Everyone thinks I'm emo I'm not *sob* I just wear a lot of black and whine a lot...Kinda.
I love music, games and airsofting. My favorite band is Reel Big Fish. Love really weird Japaneses games like Gitaroo Man. And it's just fun to shoot people with painful bb's yay!
When I can find a good topic I will reserve the right to be random as much as the hell I like so after saying that meow. Oh please don't be a one of those people who type l1kE 7h1s I don't care if it's easier it's not easier for everyone else.

What's happening with me and Gaia
(Not a sexual inuendo)
Right now I'm currenly trying to buy avi art so pm if you interested,
Also a majority of the time I'll only be on, on weekends really school busy so yeah.

Quotes:These are just some random things I say.

I'm not a bad person...I just have bad Ideas.
Why do hippies think there saving the earth when there just smoking it?
You know who hates puppies COMUNIST!
Can I have coaco after this?
Bambi's mom died for our sins, Disneyism.
The best way to a person's heart is with a 50 calibur bullet.
Hey what's a three letter word you'll never have?
It's like being accepted into society but I'm part of it.
I don't know a Muppet killed my parents...Or maybe I'm thinking Batman.
Mormen are religious ninjas and zeal are there swords...But Mormon's are dumb.
I will hollow out your body into a boat to show how dumb your principals are.
You think we have a budget that's comedy!
I attack your credibility for 4d damage.
I value money more than integrity.
Cameras turn dogs into zombies.
I hate stupid people. Therefore I hate you.
Are you choking on retard again?
You didn't understand that joke but you will understand this. Your a drunk.
If they want the power they have to go to grade school like I did.
I ruin everyones dreams...Than I eat them and grow stronger.
I'll write a book and it will be...What if..Religion was Gay?
The last thing I want to do is talk to you. The first thing I do is kill you.
Now see that's the kind of additude that makes me cut off limbs.
Always stay three steps behind so your in slapping distant.
Ice cream sandwiches are just milk raping brown bread.
There is truth in my words but it is masked by my retardation.
I'm eating sweet tarts but I'm not because that's name brand I'm eating fun tarts!
Outdoors are gay that's why they're out. Out of the closet that is.
I know someone is pining for me...Like a pine tree..With boobs.
Screw off I'm done making quotes...That are quotable.
I hope you when you get home you get raped by fire ants.
I'm going to specifically punch you in the nipples.
Maybe if you do something good for once you can be my always off screen cook.
Well here's ******** you.
Awww I can't stay mad at that face. BECAUSE I'm gonna melt it off!
I think the world would be better off if you never reproduce with anyone.EVER!

I've found Jesus!

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View Journal

My Life the Monkey Paw Effect

Okay what the monkey paw effect means good thing happens than a bad things happens. Seemingly though this has happened to me a lot...Though most of the time the bad outweighs the good by a longshot.



View All Comments

quinnriley Report | 11/08/2008 2:59 am
I like your quotes, especially the Bambi one!
~MindMurderer~ Report | 12/24/2007 12:23 pm
Its OK Im here for you buddy!!! ^_^
~MindMurderer~ Report | 12/13/2007 12:48 pm
Hola! Hows it goin!!! ^_^
Pooja the Shroom Report | 12/07/2007 1:25 pm
I was disappointed as well. I thought the series should have been longer, on another note.
UnnaturalGummiBear Report | 08/25/2007 5:19 pm

~MindMurderer~ Report | 08/25/2007 9:34 am
Hello there....so yea today im giving out hugs soooo....

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sailormotoko Report | 08/20/2007 8:06 pm
is that why it took you a couple of days to answer, mr. I was waiting 5 years before?!? lol, nice comeback though!
-Ash- P i m p i n Report | 08/20/2007 2:00 am
Are you like, um.. EMO?!?!
sailormotoko Report | 08/18/2007 3:58 pm
ha, another day, another person rendered speachless by my randomness
UnnaturalGummiBear Report | 08/18/2007 12:18 pm
Awww im sorry that you have a d**k face for a brother.




If you pm me you might get something. Like candy!
...Or AIDS it's a surprise.