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Who am I…

I am one who believes in second chances, no matter how bad you messed up; I know I’ve messed up plenty and wish to return to my normal life.
I am a person who believes in forgiveness, even though sometimes it’s hard to give it, but hope I gain it in return.
I am a friend who stands by her friends no matter what they say about me; I stick up for them and back them up 100 percent
I am a human who lives to enjoy life; wants to see the next day and never look back on what happened in the past.
I am someone who believes there is a God, and he loves us; a savior as his son who died for us.
I am a blonde who hears the jokes, laughs, then responds back with a joke of my own; try me.
I am a woman who won’t back down;. I stand up for what I believe in and won’t let you push me down because of it.
I am someone who has felt pain and confusion; but got back up again and tried to see the light in it.

Who am I? I am who I am….
…a believer, a forgiver, a life seeker, a lover and a friend.
I am only human.
Just who am I to you?

-written and created by Kerospirit91. Copyrighted, and permission needed for use.

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The reason you never cross my mind is because you're always on my mind.
The reason why I don't like you is because I love you.
The reason I don't want you is because I need you.
The reason I wouldn't cry if you left is because I would die if you left.
The reason I wouldn't live for you is because I would die for you.
The reason why I'm not willing to do anything for you is because I would do everything for you.
The reason I chose my life is because you ARE my life.

This was dedicated to someone special who I still see everyday. They know who they are. Plus, it very much works for my friends as well.

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Song on my mind

"Here I Stand"by Madina Lake


Viewing 12 of 35 friends


My journal

I like to write and sometimes its fun to see what others have written in theirs. Sometimes they have pictures of some cool log entry with something random.



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Anton Novikov

Report | 02/26/2013 6:35 pm

Anton Novikov

Juuuuust felt like making the newest comment on your profile a LOT more recent. emotion_awesome

Report | 08/29/2010 3:12 pm


nope but you sent some character names
Master Snow Wolf

Report | 08/01/2010 8:53 pm

Master Snow Wolf

You get my pm?

Report | 08/01/2010 5:11 pm


hey...i saw your status...I posted by the way on the thread...

Report | 01/14/2009 4:01 pm


howdy there frankie...it meh your favorite cousin.. but you spelled my name wrong...

can you guess who i is????

come on it rhymes with scotty and doesnt end with a freaking "ie" wha it makes meh so angry

im sorry about that i ddn't mean to rip your head off.. i apologize but anyway back to the really conversation..

how do you spell my name????

add meh to your buddy list and maybe look at my profile.

you'll laugh or something similar to that or maybe the opposite i've never had anyone cry while looking at my profile.


S-C-O-T-T-Y<<<<<<<<<<<<dats how you spellzz it. XP
ll moroku -

Report | 11/27/2008 7:56 pm

ll moroku -

lol...no problems
ll moroku -

Report | 11/27/2008 7:54 pm

ll moroku -

u look nice on that hat
Dum Maro Dum

Report | 11/16/2008 2:48 pm

Dum Maro Dum

cool layput
The Nobodys

Report | 07/18/2008 1:55 pm

The Nobodys

Thats cool. Yeah i work part time so I get 4 - 9 hours. 9 hours because of closing. Anyway, I wanted to work at a restaraunt originally... but my application got turned down . Oh well their loss.
The Nobodys

Report | 07/17/2008 10:39 am

The Nobodys

Yeah I have a job... I work at the Wild Animal Park as a Vistor Assistant. I make $9 an hour. Its nice. How is your job?


Forever looking for a long term one x one roleplay partner. Contact me by PM for my info and with ideas-