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KeRyL's avatar

Gender: Female

Location: woodbridge, VA


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da names KERYL, prOnOunced keh-reaL ;]]im not perfect i'll annoy you; i'll piss you off; say stupid things then take em back; but put all that aside & realize that you'll never find another girL Like me ;]]
ii Open my present On tHe 29th oF jenuary .. ii currentLy Live in WOODBRIDGE VIRGINIA..!!. ii have a LOts Of friends & ii L-O-V-E them ,.. nOw ii reaLized dat ii have a LOts Of BFF's, ii dOn't knOw wat tO dO withOut them, they are AMAZING .!. ii LOVE dem 2 DEATH !! my cOusins & friends are AWESOME & way COOL !! ii can't Live withOut them, because they make me LAUGH aLL da time ;]] yOu see me smiLin & Laughing mOst Of da time .. ii hate wen peOpLe r bein MEAN & RUDE, dey gettin On my nerves .!!. maLL & mOvies are FUNN, but sOmetimes they can get very BORING .. im ANNOYING sOmetimes BUT in GOOD ways ;]] DON'T TELL me wat ii can and can't dO, it's my Life, Live your Own ;]] peOpLe tend tO try and take advantage Of me but dOnt take my kindness fOr weakness cause ii can be a b***h when ii want&need tOo ,.. dOn't HATE me cus yu AINT me, LOVE me 4 hu iam & ii prOmise 2 treat yu da same way ;]] ..


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Merlion Sunstrider Report | 09/16/2007 2:47 pm
Merlion Sunstrider



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