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The Me.

Kev-San's avatar

Last Login: 01/07/2011 4:18 am

Registered: 01/08/2008

Gender: Male

Birthday: 12/10/1993

Wearing these objects

Yeah, that's me.

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Hey there, everyone.

As much as I hate doing this, I might as well get this done.

Well, Kev's the name I go by, or what most people call me. I really enjoy life, I tend to look at the positive aspects of things. I act very mature for my age, I found out that's the trick to having friends you can depend on, so don't worry about me saying bad things, 'cause I don't.

I truly enjoy spending my time amongst my friends, let it be on Gaia, Facebook, Myspace, WoW, Each of them is special in my eyes, and you could be too! I'd say without friends like the ones I have, life would be a sad place indeed.

I'm a Christian, which just amplifies the fact that life is good smile

Basically you have all my general information on the Interest panel, so you can go look over there if anything interests you (get it? interest panel, if it interests you.... hehe).

I'm 15
Birthday is December 10
I'm a Nintendo fan
I play World of Warcraft (Tanaris Server)
I'm not perfect.~

I guess I could stop there, that's me in a tiny air-closed nutshell. But i'm always open to talking with you all, so send me a comment, a mail, a fax, e-mail, if you ever so desire to talk more, and I'll be glad to answer anything you have!

Have a wonderful day all of you, have fun!. wink

User Image
Total Value: 119,755 Gold, 2,500 Tickets
[Item Information]

Item List:
Dashing Gentleman Gold And Black Cane
Silver Prince's Boots
Gold Mountain Uniform Pants
Elegant Black Satin Coat
Elegant Black Satin Vest
Vampire Hunter Hat

User Image
Total Value: 2,463,964 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Spirit Falcon
Ancient Katana
Ancient Katana
Arrhh!! Midnight Coat
Barq VOX Sneakers
Black GetaGRIP Headband
Black Glamrock Belt
Black High School Wide Bottom Pants
#0000FF Complex Shirt M
Angelic Scarf
Aoi Cache Shades

User Image
Total Value: 40,808 Gold, 50,000 Tickets
[Item Information]

Item List:
Skull Biker Black Boots
That 70s White Shirt
Summoning Tome
The Jack-et
The Family Jewels silver
warpFlare pants
Purple Holographic Eyepiece

Donations are welcome with open hands!!

I like to say it.

Yeah, I know, right?


What people say about me.

View All Comments

Yourouzoku Report | 06/16/2009 6:45 pm
Don't stay up too late.

Same here, and right back at ya, bud.

Luvs you too.
Yourouzoku Report | 06/16/2009 6:28 pm
Sure did.
Yourouzoku Report | 06/16/2009 6:04 pm

I know, right? I missed you too, kiddo! :3
Yourouzoku Report | 06/16/2009 5:53 pm
Yourouzoku, I don't think so. Nothing so amazing that I just have to tell, at least. Everything's pretty much the same.

Gah, my attempt at conversation fails. Too bad, too bad...
Yourouzoku Report | 06/16/2009 5:40 pm
Of course, my dear friend. And there's nothing to help it either. It's bound to happen to all of us one day...

But enough of that. Anything special happened since I talked to you last?
Yourouzoku Report | 06/16/2009 5:30 pm

Ah yes...with those wonderful vampire dinosaurs and the q-tips...I remember. Randomness is hard for me to pull off, nowadays. Guess I'm getting too old. D;
Yourouzoku Report | 06/16/2009 5:19 pm
Yup yup. Most of my other friends are too.

Naw, sorry bud. Never felt the need to get one.
Yourouzoku Report | 06/16/2009 5:04 pm
I know, right?

Ah ha, I know, I know. No worries. I won't really get fat...I like to exagerate. : D
I do tend to eat too much though, and usually make myself sick. But I never gain more than a pound. Thank God for my fast metabolism. <3
Yourouzoku Report | 06/16/2009 4:35 pm
Good job! That's definately more than I can say for myself. I've failed math every year since the seventh grade. Except this year, which I'm quite proud about. -nod nod-

Getting fat, going to watch my brother's baseball games, hanging with friends, visitng family, and stuff like that.
A normal summer, pretty much. Minus summer school, which I'm perfectly fine with.
Yourouzoku Report | 06/16/2009 4:28 pm
Ja, it sure is.
You better!