Me and my Wife

Logan and Shamara, our kids



Just yer not so average guy, who likes playing with fire, has a future that looks so close and so promising, and a girlfriend that i love more than anything smile

I'm always out helping people, in any way, shape, or form, so if you need to talk, or have a problem, please talk to me biggrin i don't bite... well... not too hard anyway. You can ask Yomico on that one wink

Dragons can be wierd...

Dragon> You seek the scepter shard charged to the blue dragonflight...?

Me> How did you know...? I mean yes...yes I am looking for that shard. Do you have it..?

Dragon> Of course I do not have it, that would be asinine. I walk amongst savages in this cursed land! I cannot take five steps without some crazed Orc or Human trying to thrust a sharp stick into my hide. At any given time you could be talking to my ghostly spirit.

Anyhow, I hid it.

Go on...ask me where.

Me> Alright. Where?

Dragon> You are going to love this story. Alright, see, here is the thing. As soon as Malygos charged me with the scepter shard I knew I was in a world of Headache and pain.
All I want to do is study these magic rich shorelines and take in what artifacts might remain from the Sundering. You know, there was once a living elf city here! You dont have to tell me there are some high level magic artifacts here! I can smell them!

Me> By Bronzebeard's um...beard... what the blazes are you talking about...?

Dragon> As I was saying, I held onto that scepter shard for 500 years and it was nothing but trouble! It attracted all sorts of trouble- the wrong kind of trouble. I want to be left alone and not babysit some heroes ticket to glory. So...I gave it to the fish.

Me> Fish? You gave the key to what could be saving all life on earth to a FISH?

Dragon> Not just any fish, mortal. This was a minnow. A very special Minnow.

Me> A minnow? The oceans are filled with minnows! There could be a hundred million minnows out there!

Dragon> Exactly!

Me> ...

Dragon> Genius I know, it will never be found. And in case it was found, I gave this minnow some special powers.

Me> You gave the piece to a minnow and put taht minnow somewhere between here and god knows where...and this minnow has special powers?!?

Dragon> Correct! You have been listening. This minnow really is a terrible creature of my own creation. When I am relaxing I like to think of the unlucky fisherman who have run into him and been devoured whole, I'd bet they were quite surprised

Me> You're insane...

Dragon> Genius is often misunderstood, human. Now, about that scepter shard. If you want that shard and do not wish to spend the next ten thousand years searching for it, you are going to have to listen very carefully.

Me> I'm all ears...

Dragon> Two words: Arcane Bouy]

Me> Come again...?

Dragon> Right have to build an Arcane Bouy and place it in the ocean. my minnow will be attracted to the magical eminations. When he gets near the Buoy - BLAMO! It will explode in a glorious pulse of energy revealing the minnow's true form. Also you may or may not incur the wrath of neptulon.A 50/50 chance I would say.

Me> Okay, let me get this straight. You put the scepter shard entrusted to you by teh queen of the dragons on a Minnow of your own making, and now you expect me to build an Arcane Buoy to force your minnow out of hiding AND potentially incur the wrath of an elemental lord? Have I missed anything? Perhaps I am to do this without clothes on during a full moon on a leap year?

Dragon> If I did not know better I would think that you were mocking me, mortal; but yes you are mostly correct. You may however, remain clothed.

Me> FINE! And how, dare I ask, am I supposed to make an Arcane Buoy?

Dragon> *trails off mumbling about some psychic engineer an flies off*

Me> Um...okay...what just happened?


View All Comments

Vesperine Report | 07/13/2011 9:33 am
haha i ike that piture of tacher beating up Ed by ur contacts. XD i love that series. BAM BAM!!! rofl
Khaos Breaker Report | 02/04/2011 9:46 am
Khaos Breaker
cool avi
Khaos Breaker Report | 02/04/2011 9:45 am
Khaos Breaker
nice avi
Illybrius Report | 05/25/2009 11:59 pm
I don't know that much, so I've just worked with what Gaia gave me <_<
Illybrius Report | 05/23/2009 2:19 pm
Shiny profile. I love Into the Night.
Skatja Report | 04/30/2009 3:47 am
^^ I wish You guys everything good. ^^
Skatja Report | 04/28/2009 1:07 pm
GREAT!! ^^

Good luck!
Skatja Report | 04/26/2009 10:09 am
No idea, I am afraid..
It has been such a long time since we have talked..

But I like collecting pokémon too. ^^
Skatja Report | 04/26/2009 2:55 am
I am glad You two are happy together. ^^

Oh, a little collector, huh? ^^
Skatja Report | 04/26/2009 12:19 am
Haha. ^^

Thank you. ^^

I will.


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This is the world we live in,
and these are the hands we're given,
use them and lets start doing,
and make this a world worth fighting for.


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