
khmergirl126's avatar

Birthday: 01/26

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my name is Elizabeth Sambath nickname lizzy smile
-birthday January 26 ^.^
- im CAMBODIAN biggrin (asian)
- <3 to play video games like mw3
- sports i like to play n watch are football baseball n basketball
- i consider my self as a tom boi~ xD
- my favorite colors r black,red,purple, n yellow
- wat animals i like r panda,turtles,penguin,n monkeys
- likes hugging pplz :3
-im fun-size ^-^

I heart MY FRIENDS biggrin
[]all of the above LOL

hv guts :D

GIRL: well im always here for you.
BOY: I know.
GIRL:What's wrong?
BOY: I like her so much.
GIRL: Talk to her.
BOY: I don't know. She wont even like me.
GIRL: Don't say that. You're amazing.
BOY:I just want her to know how I feel.
GIRL:Then tell her.
BOY: She wont like me.
GIRL: How do you know that?
BOY: I can just tell.
GIRL: Well just tell her.
BOY: What should I say?
GIRL: Tell her how much you like her.
BOY: I tell her that daily.
GIRL: What do you mean?
BOY: I'm always with her. I love her.
GIRL: I know how you feel. I have the same problem. But he'll never like me.
BOY: Wait. Who do you like?
GIRL: Oh some boy.
BOY:Oh... she won't like me either.
GIRL: She does.
BOY: How do you know?
GIRL: Because, who wouldn't like you?
BOY: You.
GIRL: You're wrong, I love you.
BOY: I love you too.
GIRL: So are you going to talk to her?
BOY: I just did. ♥

GIRLS- If you think this is sweet, post it to ur page.
GUYS- If u are man enough and have balls to say this to a chick, post it to ur page

4 LOVE <3

A girl and a guy were speeding over 100mph on a motorcycle

Girl: Slow down im scared
Guy: No this is fun
Girl: No its not please its to scary
Guy: then tell me you love me
Girl: I love you slow down
Guy: Now give me a big hug
She gave him a big hug
Guy: Can you take off my helmet & put it on yourself its bothering me.

In the newspaper the next day a motorcycle had crashed into a building because of break failure. Two people were on it only one survived. The truth was that halfway down the road the guy realized that the breaks were broke he didn't want the girl to know. Instead he had her hug him and tell him she loved him one last time. Then he had her put his helmet on so that she would live even if it meant that he would die. If you would do the same for the person you love copy this in your profile.

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Burning_Hopes Report | 12/22/2011 11:12 am
HIIII!!! thanks for the add ^_^
Swaggafic Kid Report | 04/16/2011 11:06 pm
Swaggafic Kid
Swaggafic Kid Report | 04/16/2011 11:01 pm
Swaggafic Kid
i would do the same play black ops lolz i just logged of me fb 0.o
Swaggafic Kid Report | 04/16/2011 10:53 pm
Swaggafic Kid
nothin bored -.-
Swaggafic Kid Report | 04/16/2011 10:48 pm
Swaggafic Kid
hey we havent talked whats up?
-Ninetails-Angel Report | 03/28/2011 9:12 pm
OH WHY YES. <3 :3
But I'm part chinese as well, lol XD
-Ninetails-Angel Report | 03/27/2011 7:52 pm
Hey you! 8D We were....unicorn buddies? lol XD
You're cambodian? I am too! X3
Ohh Cruz Report | 01/26/2011 7:24 pm
Ohh Cruz
Happy Birthday :T
dasldlaksdjaisu340 Report | 01/26/2011 4:21 pm
happy birthday
redyoshie8 Report | 01/08/2011 11:28 am

i love pandas <3

i love dennison

i love pandas